Introducing WRIO Internet OS

So much to share, such little space!

AlWaleed K.
2 min readAug 31, 2017

To deal with this dilemma, we’ll give you a brief description of the project until we share a lot more with you very soon.

“People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you’ve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics -everything rippling and folding and looking misty- on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you’ll have access to an unbelievable data resource…” — Tim Berners-Lee

What is WRIO Internet OS?

As short as possible, WRIO Internet OS is an open-source browser-driven internet OS on the Ethereum Blockchain, enabling a decentralized, secure and customizable user-centric Web 3.0 experience.

It’s (Conceptually ATM) a decentralized version of:

  • Chrome OS and Google Play — for cloud and distributed applications
  • Facebook — with global login via blockchain private&public address key
  • Wikipedia — decentralized for Linked Data
  • Paypal — without cashback problems, restrictions and accounts freezes
  • Reddit — with donations as upvotes and a reputation system

This table below should help in visualizing the Web 3.0 concept in relation to where we are now (Web 2.0)

Source based on: Nir Eyal (

WRIO Internet OS Platform: Semantics, reputation, privacy, P2P, dApps, and a crypto-economy — without intermediaries.

We’ve been working for quite some time now, and we’d really appreciate your support and/or feedback as we go. Have a look at our Github or Join our Slack — until our next post! :)

