How the story began: a quest to find the best authors for the Circle of Light!

Circle of Light NFT
5 min readMay 10, 2022


“Thousands of years ago, when none of the modern civilizations didn’t happen on the earth, there was a society consisting of two major races: dragons and humans, on a realm called Soufia. On this land, there was nothing but peace. Everything was calm and peaceful and in its place.

There were five main clans of dragons on Soufia land. Each clan had its unique element and color type inherited from older clan dragons.

Water dragons were the kindest and most peaceful ones. Their element was Turquoise with cyan body color. This clan was responsible for water resources, and water resources were the most critical resources in the world.

Fire dragons were another kind that was firm and fierce but peaceful. Their resistance against opposing was well known among the land. They were the only species with fiery breath. Their element was Ruby with an orange color type.

The third one in these species was Rain dragons. They were the most honest ones. And they could make rainy clouds out their breath. Their clouds were the most pleasant blessing on Soufia. Their element was Amethyst with purple body color.

The other dragon clan with Crystal element and pink color was the Flower clan. They were filled with love and enthusiasm, and they could plant flowers and trees anywhere they walked on. The land smelled so pleasant because of them, and the beauty of the Soufia was mainly indebted to these beautiful creatures.

And the last main clan on the earth was the Nature clan. These dragons had the intrinsic power to change natural landscapes and harvest natural resources. Their element was Emerald with a green color type. All the elevation of the landscapes in that era was created by the nature clan’s magic breath.

These main colorful dragon clans were assisted by ordinary humans with no unique gifts. Humans lived across the Soufia anywhere they wanted in their little huts. They knew if they were going to survive the challenges and fulfill their achievements, they had to obey their elder dragons. And the dragons were following their clan leaders. Finally, the clan leaders were part of a community called the “Circle of Light”. This community had the right and honor to specify the route of the entire society, and no one had to argue that because everyone had faith in the Circle of Light…”

This was the preamble of the story of an old land called “Soufia” so many years ago. This is how the story began, actually. In a land full of peace and calmness, yet without a potential danger or enemy. In the “Circle of Light” project, we plan to gather people who love authorship and partnership, love funny fantasy fiction, and of course, love rewards and achievements!

We have an event prepared for every enthusiast in this area! Our story chapter is immature and new yet. But with your help, we can raise this child. We need everybody to write up to 500 words after our first part to enable us to choose the best way the story goes on. And at this event, we will have prizes:

The first-place winner in our event will get 1000$ in polygon matics. The second winner will get 500$ and the third one 200$. The first 5 winners will have the option to join our team as our 5 clan leaders and share 1% of our monthly income for their efforts in managing the clans. If they do not want to join us, then we will skip to the following best authors on the list to fill our placements in the team.

There will be some clues and terms in writing your phenomenal chapter if you got interested enough to join our mission:

1- You must have bought and owned at least one Circle of Light NFT from our site or the OpenSea collection.

2- The story section should be as complete and comprehensive as possible to have more chances of winning rewards.

3- Our intended theme for this story is funny fantasy fiction. Keep this in mind when you are unloading your brain on the paper! It has to have comedy elements in it.

4- There are two other dragon types you can mint or buy, categorized as the Mythic and the Legendary dragons. Also, we didn’t mention glasses on some dragon faces and five different landscapes of NFTs, and the most important part: Orbs in the hands. You can mention them in your story section, or you can ignore them for this part. For your further guidance, we created the art and colors of the orbs based on these elements: Electra for red, Ice for white, Wind for grey, Sand for brown, and Rock for cream orbs. And the idea behind the background landscapes are: The Mountain, The Desert, The Jungle, The Spring, and The Island landscape as the land plots in the Soufia land.

5- We didn’t mention any point or part of the Soufia land in the prologue section. You can make a map based on your imagination in your mind or on the paper, and use it in your part. This will be our based map for later chapters if your script gets approved. Yet you can skip this challenge and write your own chapter without mentioning any point on the map.

6- Our vision in this project is to create a fiction based on a collective endeavor and colorful ideas. So the language of the story can be a little different part by part as we progress. It can lead to some dissonance which we have to take care of, but this shouldn’t limit the boundaries of your creativity.

7- Please don’t forget to join our discord whenever you have an NFT in your metamask wallet to get your dragon role and join one of the first five clans and send your story chapter through the respective channel.

We appreciate your consideration. The deadline for this event is put on June 10th, 2022. By the way, if there were not enough incoming messages from your part, this date can be extended. After that, we will check and study all the incoming scripts and bring the winning chapters and authors to you. We will inform you of the details of the introduction process a few days later. Also, we will notify you in a medium article if there has to be a modification in the preliminary plan. Don’t miss our announcements.

Dragon primary colors and landscapes

This is a story about love, passion, collaboration, luck, friendship, and achievements. Come and join us for a real adventure…








Circle of Light NFT

The world’s first and largest engage-to-earn metaverse-like digital community for crypto enthusiasts and fantasy lovers!