The Life of a Christian

Tommy Bohrer
1 min readOct 10, 2014


Totally depraved in heart and mind

‘til the light of God did shine

The inability of mortal man

makes so much sweeter God’s perfect plan

His plan so rich, unconditional grace

to bring His repentant into his place

Not because of the things we do

but because He chose us, He makes us new

For those whom He chose, our Savior has died!

Bringing ruined sinners to Himself: glorified

Christ on the cross, His power to save

came crashing, crashing like a roaring wave

A wave so great, man could not resist

His power and glory will always persist

Our Savior comes to us, with bright shining face

none can resist, irresistible grace

Grace that pursues, proceeds, endure

His love is final; salvation is sure

The Spirit, like wax, kept us as a seal

to feel, to kneel, and never conceal

