Institutional Entities Rushing to Get Part of CitiOS Tokens as IEO Public Sale Approaches

CitiOS Official
2 min readNov 1, 2019


With just a few days left to the commencement of CitiOS’ Initial Exchange Offer (IEO), Institutions are rushing to have a share of the CitiOS tokens before they are exhausted. One of the institutions, a Singaporean institutional entity has taken up $30 million worth of R2R tokens (which translates to 100 million R2R tokens) with an undisclosed lock-up period.

With 100 million R2R tokens gone in one sale, it shall only require 9 more such investors to purchase the remaining 900 million R2R tokens. As things stand, more Institutional investors are likely to invest in the project. By the time the IEO will be opening for the public, there could be only a handful of R2R tokens left for grabs.

A true sign that CitiOS IEO is a worthy investment

When looking for an IEO to invest in, investors are very alive to the fact that the project could become successful or fail to become successful. However, there are things that the investors look for to gauge whether the project has the prospect of conquering the world.

One of the indicators that a project is likely to succeed, is the presence of Venture Capital Investors. These are normally professional Investors and in most cases institutional entities, who invest in projects once they are certain that the projects have a high likelihood of achieving their outlined goals.

Venture Capitalists normally do a thorough background check and involve professionals in doing the research to ascertain that a project is a worthy investment. Therefore investing in an IEO that has Venture Capital Investors is a huge advantage because as an investor you are assured that the project shall succeed.

With the institutional Investors, CitiOS development team is also assured that there are professionals out there who are confident that the project is viable.

