Top 10 Pittsburgh Organizations Serving Immigrants & Refugees.

3 min readJan 30, 2017


Combating President Trump’s executive actions starts locally. Here is a list of 10 Pittsburgh-based organizations for you to support that serve immigrants and refugees.

Greg Frost-Arnold of the East End marches with others in Oakland. Photo Credit: Pam Panchak, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

(1) Community Assistance and Refugee Resettlement at the Northern Area Multiservice Center | As the largest resettlement program in Pittsburgh, CARR welcomes and assists refugees as they arrive and resettle in Pittsburgh. To help those that they serve CARR is in need of donations, various items, volunteers, and landlords willing to rent to refugees. Learn more!

(2) Islamic Center of Pittsburgh | ICP works to increase understanding and alleviate misconceptions around the Islamic Faith. Their outreach program aims to strengthen relations between Muslims and people of all faiths by emphasizing and educating neighbors in Pittsburgh on shared human values. ICP is in need of donations and volunteers to help support their amazing work. Learn more!

(3) Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Pittsburgh | Jewish Family & Children’s Service is an acknowledged leader in helping immigrants and refugees resettle and successfully build new lives in our community. Learn more!

(4) Acculturation for Justice, Access and Peace Outreach | As their first point of contact in the United States, refugees received through AJAPO to Pittsburgh are provided with a myriad of services to ease their resettlement. These include housing, cultural orientation, medical, transportation, employment, school enrollment, child care, government IDs and a continuum of social services coordination up to five years after their arrival. AJAPO is in need of donations and volunteers to help support their work. Learn more!

(5) Somali Bantu Community Association of Pittsburgh | SBCA seeks to provide services to Pittsburgh’s Somali Bantu community and to maintain and celebrate the Somali Bantu’s traditional culture in Pittsburgh. Learn more!

(6) Consortium for Educational Resources on Islamic Studies | The Consortium for Educational Resources on Islamic Studies (CERIS) is a collaboration of academic, non-profit and religious organizations in the tri-state area (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia). CERIS facilitates program development and disseminates information on Islamic Studies to students, faculty and the larger communities they serve. Learn more!

(7) Community Blueprint | Building on existing efforts to welcome and support immigrants in Pittsburgh, the Immigrant Community Blueprint is created in collaboration with 173 local residents, including 88 immigrant leaders. Learn more!

(8) Council of American Islamic Relations — Pittsburgh | CAIR’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. The Council on American-Islamic Relations Pennsylvania (CAIR PA) is a nonprofit, grassroots civil rights and advocacy group. Learn more!

(9) Immigrant Services and Connections | ISAC is a six-agency partnership that helps connect immigrants and refugees to the services that they need. ISAC was formed to provide immigrants that have trouble accessing services due to limited English proficiency, and/or cultural barriers, access to the services that they are entitled to in the Pittsburgh region. Learn more!

(10) Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition | Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition advocates for immigrants, migrants, and refugees. They are based in Philadelphia but coordinate statewide actions. Learn more!




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