10 Reasons Why You Need a Second Job

Cityholic Media
3 min readMar 10, 2016

Considering the current global economic recession and slow job market, many people all around the world have difficulties finding a decent job that pays well. Especially if you are in a big city like New York, Chicago or San Francisco, covering all of your expenses on your salary can be a constant struggle.

Then how can you change your situation? How do you make extra cash while keeping your current job? For many people, the answer is finding a second or a part-time job, which is a great source of supplemental income. Here are 10 reasons how a second job can benefit you.

1. Financial Issues

Taking a second job has many benefits, but the most obvious one is the fact that you will make more money. If you can’t pay your bills just with your current job, or if you want to have more disposable income, you may need to take on a second job.

2. Job Security

Many people think their main job is not completely safe. It’s important to have a backup plan just in case you lose your job in the near future.

3. Further Your Career

Finding a second job in your industry will provide you with opportunities to gain valuable skills and insight. You can also expand your network.

4. Fulfill Your Interests

For example, if you love shopping, find a part-time retail job and get discounts!

5. Bridge to Another Industry

Don’t like your current job? Start a part-time gig and explore a different type of career. A second job can allow you to find other options and to gain experience in another industry.

6. Release Stress

Blow off the steam you get from your full-time job. Find a part-time job that you love and you can actually consider it a hobby that helps you financially.

7. Freedom and Security

Having a second job gives you psychological benefits too. You don’t get shackled to one company and feel insecure about losing your job anymore.

8. New Skill Acquisition

With a second job you can learn new skills your current job doesn’t teach you. This is a great way to improve yourself to get a better job in the future or get promoted at your current job.

9. Use Your Talents

If you feel like you don’t use all of your talents at your current job, find another opportunity and show the world what you got!

10. Self-Improvement with Creativity

Never settle and don’t stop moving forward. Always be creative and look for ways to improve your life.

There are many benefits of having a second job. You can network in a new place, make more money, and enjoy the perks of new job. Even so, deciding whether to get a second job can be difficult, because you have to accept a whole new lifestyle. Before starting a second job, organize your priorities and select the best options for you.



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