Cityholic Media
3 min readMay 16, 2016

Startups and big companies are immensely different. It takes a different kind of person to work in either of them. Some people are just not cut out for the startup life, and others would go insane working for a big company all of their lives. As a person who has worked for both, I can provide insight into these differences and afterwards you can decide which working environment is better for you and your personality!

I’ll start off with my favorite difference: Risk.

Working in a bigger company is definitely the safer bet, because most startups aren’t profitable. There is something called the ‘Startup Runway’. The runway is the amount of time until the startup goes out of business, taking in account that your cash flow stays consistent. If the company seems to be on the rise up, the CEO will raise more money. That way the runway will get extended! And the other way around… If the startup doesn’t do as expected, you might have to go looking for a new job when the runway ends. The thing with startups is, you have to be passionate. Everybody knows that a lot of startups fail, so you are going against all odds. Succeeding is a huge accomplishment. Let’s just hope your boss is transparent with you, then there will be no problem. Which brings me to our next point.

You are the underdog.

Bigger companies and startups also differ at a point that is personally very important to me. Transparency.

I developed a need for transparency in my personal and professional life. I can’t go ‘all in’ with relationships or work, when there is no transparency. When you are working in a startup, you’ll know why they hired a new bunch of developers, or how your boss managed to extend the runway recently. Of course you will not be let in on all the activities. For example, it is not necessary for you to know how much money your co-workers make. As for the other decisions that are about the company and its future, you will most likely be informed and educated. You took a risk by joining this startup and you will be able to see it grow from the ground up. You will be informed why the higher ups decided the way the company goes and the changes in the journey.

Fun Fact: Working in a startup will prepare you to start your own company one day!

Working in a big company is like being an ant in an ant hill. Working in a startup is more like being a Power Ranger! Ok maybe not a Power Ranger, but see it as being a part of your favorite sports team. Working for a startup means you will have a lot of responsibility.

If you slack, the whole team will suffer from it. Your team needs to be a well-oiled machine. On the other hand, if you excel at your work, the entire company and its customers will benefit because of you. That won’t go unnoticed. Mistakes do happen, and you will be accountable for them. Show that you are responsive to a changing environment and quick with a solution. The way you handle a problem can be more valuable than you think.

These are just three of the ways that startups and big companies differ. Join us again for the next edition, where we will explain more differences. In the meantime, let us know which working environment you are currently working in, in the comment section below.

Cityholic Media

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