Clara Diaz
2 min readSep 26, 2017


My original prescription, the one I was on for nine years, was 300 mg Wellbutrin in the morning, 150 mg in the afternoon. 1 mg Xanax four times a day. I took it in the morning and then every four hours.

After the “script writer” was out of the picture, I saw the quack. At that point I thought I just needed something longer lasting. He gave me a script of 1 mg Klonopin to take *with* the Xanax. He also added 50 mg Zoloft, which I could bump up to 100 mg if I didn’t feel well after two weeks. After a month we would start tapering the Xanax, then we would taper the Klonopin. So his plan was 300 mg Wellbutrin, 50 mg Zoloft, 1 mg Xanax, 1 mg Klonpin in the morning, then 150 mg Wellbutrin in the afternoon and 1 mg Xanax, 1 mg Klonopin every four hours.

I came up with a bizarre schedule on my own to taper in the Klonopin and taper out the Xanax. This was based on information from, a site that worships the Ashton method.

Then I finally saw the specialist who called everything above crazy. He has me at 300 mg, 100 mg Zoloft in the morning. 300 mg mg and 25 mg Librium four times a day (so in the morning, then every four hours.) Every five days I have taken one less Librium. Tomorrow will be my last one. I had them call in a script for ten more pills just in case I completely wig out on this final step.

So I’m on a 20 day taper. I understand that Librium is a benzo. Everything you mentioned in your reply was covered in my appointment with the specialist. Shorter half-life & faster acting = more addicting. He also said it was ridiculous to try to get someone off a drug by using the same drug. Relapse was too tempting. Thus the benzo switch. He said to only extend a step in the taper if I had severe physical withdrawal and not just a desire to quell the craving.

The doctor said he’s gotten people on higher doses off benzos using this method. I looked it up online and could only find an abstract, but there is a study out there of an in-patient version of this treatment plan (switch Xanax for Librium immediately) but with a daily taper of Librium. That study successfully got patients off benzos in 14 days.



Clara Diaz

Inadvertent benzodiazepine (or “benzo” for fun) addict working through their own tapering recovery schedule. This is my experience. Alonze, Alonzo!