Things to Consider When Hiring a Telephone Answering Service

Clarence Evans
3 min readDec 24, 2016


First impressions can greatly affect a business, whether it may be a small or big business; this is because first impressions make a lasting impression on the reputation of a certain business. How employees handle customer calls or inquiries can either make a good first impression or a bad one, unfortunately, not all customer calls are handled professionally and adequately. What’s worse is that some customer calls are not even answered due to high volume of incoming calls.

When calls are not answered, it leaves customers feeling either neglected or rejected, which is definitely not a good sign. This is the main reason why businesses lose potential customers and why some customers transfer to competitors or other businesses. Fortunately, there is a solution to this business problem and this is done through hiring a telephone answering service.

A telephone answering company provides services to a small business or big business by providing real people to either answer calls or for lead generation. By having a telephone answering service, you are rest assured that you wouldn’t miss any calls from customers and that all their inquiries are taken care of.

There are quite a number of answering service companies in the market today; unfortunately not every one of them is a reliable one. If you are interested in hiring a telephone service company, you should definitely read on as this article will discuss some of the things that you should consider when hiring one.

1. Efficiency

Efficiency is probably the most important factor to consider when hiring an answering service company; this is because efficiency will be the basis on how your customers are handled when they give your company a call. It would be best that you are a company that has highly trained employees, so you are rest assured that professionals are the ones representing your business from the customers. You can learn more about answering service efficiency from Answer Our Phone.

2. Functionality

Every business is quite different, which is why an answering service must have great functionality, this is to ensure that all the needs of a business is catered to. You should consider if a certain answering service company caters only to inbound calls or outbound calls, do they set up call forwarding, or do they send notifications each time a successful call is made. For e-commerce businesses it would be best that you hire a 24 hour answering service.

3. Affordability

Other than providing efficiency, and functionality, one of the purposes of an answering service is to provide lesser expenses to a business; this is the reason why affordability should always be considered. You can checkout Answer Our Phone to find out the price for an answering service that is efficient and affordable.

4. Reliability

Reliability should always be considered when hiring any type of service because it is one of the bases of the performance of a service company. Answer Our Phone offers excellent service and it is considered as one of the most trusted answering service companies in the market today, you can never go wrong by selecting them.

