Clarity DAO Governance Process Outline

2 min readApr 24, 2024


In the near future, the Clarity DAO will undertake significant governance actions concerning reward distributions and protocol parameters. These pivotal decisions will shape the trajectory of our community, and it’s crucial to understand the process guiding these determinations.

To shed light on this process, we’re sharing a concise overview of the governance framework the DAO employs for collective decision-making.

The Clarity DAO Governance Process:

  1. Governance Action Forum: The forum serves as the starting point, where community members share ideas, sentiments, and thoughts on governance actions. Discussions here lay the groundwork for subsequent steps by narrowing down options for further consideration. Approximate duration: 1 week
  2. Snapshot Temperature Check: This step aims to crystallize community preferences by conducting a poll on the top options discussed in the forum. The outcome of this temperature check determines which options proceed to a community-wide on-chain vote. Approximate duration: 1 week
  3. On-chain Proposal: Following community scrutiny and consensus-building, selected options transition to an on-chain vote via an Agora Proposal. This automated process ensures transparency and decentralization in decision-making. Duration:
  • Draft Period: 3 days
  • Voting Period: 10 days
  • Locking Period: 1 day
  • Execution Period: 1 day
  • Execution Threshold: 57,500,000 $CLARITY

As a community, our initial governance action will focus on reward distribution, a cornerstone of the Clarity DAO’s mission. According to the Clarity DAO Whitepaper, 29% of the total supply is earmarked for Community Rewards distributions. This proposal seeks consent from the community to allocate these rewards effectively, determining distribution rates and ratios among existing reward buckets:

  • Active Staking and Participation in the Clarity DAO
  • Clarity Platform Usage
  • Providing $ADA/$CLARITY Liquidity

For a deeper understanding of the Clarity DAO, check out our explainer video: Clarity DAO Explainer Video

Or you can check out our white paper here:

The discussion forum for protocol rewards distribution is currently live in our discord:

By engaging in this governance process, every community member contributes to the growth and prosperity of the Clarity ecosystem. Together, we pave the way for a decentralized future built on transparency and collaboration.

Thank you for reading Clarity’s blog!

Clarity is a community management system built for Cardano projects. We make it simple to create, manage, participate, and track contributions for decentralized communities.

On a human level, Clarity is a community of web3/DAO creators.

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This is the medium account for Clarity; a no code DAO operating system on the Cardano blockchain.