How To: Vote on an Agora Proposal

3 min readMay 16, 2024


This Blog post will be a step-by-step guide to explain how to interact with Agora DAO Proposals on the Clarity Platform. We’ll be using the Clarity DAO as an example.


Interacting with an Agora DAO starts with staking. The amount of $CLARITY a wallet has staked determines the voting power that wallet has.

To a stake, you’ll need the DAO’s Governance Token in your wallet. In the Clarity DAO’s case, the Governance Token is $CLARITY. If you don’t have any $CLARITY, you can purchase some here.

When you first visit the staking page of the DAO, you’ll see no stakes.

Click Create New Stake. You’ll be able to choose how much of the Governance Token you want to stake to the DAO. For maximum governance influence, deposit your maximum $CLARITY to your stake.

Confirm your deposit and sign the transaction to verify your voting power on-chain.

Once your stake is created, you’ll see it appear in the interface after refreshing.


Now that you have a stake, you’ll be able to interact with Proposals via on-chain votes! Just go to the Agora Proposal you want to vote on, choose the option you want to vote on, confirm your selection, sign the transaction, and your vote is recorded on-chain!

The Benefits of On-Chain Agora Proposals

Agora Proposals are great because they leverage smart contracts to automatically tally the community’s votes and execute the resulting decision. For example, if the community votes to execute a treasury withdrawal via an Agora Proposal the funds will automatically be sent to the specified destination without relying on any centralized entity to carry out the transfer. This puts more power in the hands of the community, as no individual or group stands between the decision that is made and its execution.

For a more detailed breakdown of the Clarity platform and Agora, visit our docs.

Thank you for reading Clarity’s blog!

Clarity is a community management system built for Cardano projects. We make it simple to create, manage, participate, and track contributions for decentralized communities.

On a human level, Clarity is a community of web3/DAO creators.

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This is the medium account for Clarity; a no code DAO operating system on the Cardano blockchain.