The $CLARITY Taste Test is Live, What Now?

2 min readMar 28, 2024

The Taste Test is live here:

This means the ability to deposit ADA to the CLARITY/ADA pair is open to everyone.

  1. During the 9 days the Taste Test is open, participants can add/withdraw to their deposit freely.
  2. It is important to note that withdrawing your deposit in the last 24 hours of the Taste Test will result in a 25% fee.
  3. After completion of the Taste Test, the participant’s ADA deposit gets swapped to LP tokens which represent 1/2 of the ADA deposit and the equivalent amount of $CLARITY.
  4. LP token holders can earn extra $CLARITY through yield farming and earn fees from the pool’s transactions.

$CLARITY Information

Token Policy id: 1e76aaec4869308ef5b61e81ebf229f2e70f75a50223defa087f807b

Asset Name: 436c61726974792044414f20546f6b656e

Total Supply: 2,000,000,000 with a 6 decimal precision

$CLARITY Mint Address

This address holds all of the Clarity tokens not committed to the Taste Test and will be distributed in accordance with the whitepaper at the conclusion of the Taste Test: addr1q84297pd6j47xnaqmqlgvksfwy042ufntvnpqhhq8g0tk8ghahgnnckhgduluy48l77utkkrrfpssmgz5rkvfdz2tdusx9y829

What will happen after the taste test ends:

  1. Agora Functionality goes live on the Clarity Platform and the Clarity DAO will be created.
  2. LP tokens will be distributed to all participants in the Taste Test
  3. Project LP tokens will get sent to this address and distributed to the Clarity DAO treasury when it is set up: addr1q9qmme5eq6zyg9jehc3krg7mtvwpajvteqyas2wsm8fvz26pfcdk7ml9d2v6yeknemmkjda4y9xc7nlus4e6kwag4pvqnma076
  4. The funds in the mint wallet will be distributed to the following addresses.

Want to learn more and get involved?

A blog that details how the Taste Test works:

For visual learners, check out this demo video of the Taste Test:

The Clarity Protocol Whitepaper:

Clarity Vision Video:

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Clarity is a community management system built for Cardano projects. We make it simple to create, manage, participate, and track contributions for decentralized communities.

On a human level, Clarity is a community of web3/DAO creators.

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This is the medium account for Clarity; a no code DAO operating system on the Cardano blockchain.