How Acid Erosion Affects Your Teeth

Classen Dentistry
1 min readJun 9, 2016

Want to be surprised? Your teeth are actually stronger than the bones in your arms and legs. This often leads people to believe teeth are indestructible, but don’t buy into that. Acid erosion will attack.

  • The acid that attacks your teeth comes from your stomach during acid reflux or from external sources like sodas and fruit juices. Wines are also acidic in nature and can cause tooth damage as well.
  • When your teeth are exposed to acidic substances, it temporarily softens the calcium phosphate in your tooth enamel, causing some damage. You saliva is alkaline and neutralizes the acid. However, continuous acidic exposure doesn’t give your teeth time to recover.
  • While it goes against what you may think, never brush your teeth eating or drinking something acidic. Why? Your enamel is softer than normal, which could lead to permanent damage.
  • Limit the amount of sodas and fruit juice you drink and certainly avoid swishing them in your mouth. The longer it’s in your mouth, the more damaging the drink is to your teeth.

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Classen Dentistry

Dr. Tim Kirby is a trusted Oklahoma City dentist and provides exceptional dental service at his dental practice, Classen Family Dentistry.