Smart Legal Contracts on IBM Blockchain Platform

Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

We are proud to announce that this week Clause became the first IBM Business Partner to publish a sample to the new IBM Blockchain Platform samples gallery.

The sample tracks perishable goods on the blockchain and uses a Smart Legal Contract running on Clause to capture the contractual terms and penalty calculations between food producers, importers and shippers.

In a few clicks and minutes you can provision a new blockchain running on IBM Cloud, and deploy a business network that invokes a Smart Legal Contract hosted on the Clause platform.

Clause Perishable Goods Sample on IBM Blockchain Platform

Matt Roberts, Clause Integration Lead, led the effort to build the sample and worked closely with IBM engineers to ensure that the overall user experience of integrating Clause and IBM Blockchain Platform is quick and easy. A big “Thank You” to the IBM Blockchain team for this very successful collaboration and their professionalism!

The creation of the blockchain network and the deployment of the sample (including the Hyperledger Composer business network and the frontend application) is automated using IBM’s build and deploy pipeline running in the cloud.

Automated build and deploy of the sample using IBM DevOps Services

Once deployed the sample allows you to simulate the delivery of a shipment of avocados from a Grower to an Importer. You can add temperature and humidity sensor readings for the shipment, and a Smart Legal Contract on Clause is used to calculate the cost of the shipment.

Smart Legal Contract on Clause

The state of the Grower, Shipment and Importer (including their account balances) is kept on the blockchain, while the sensitive contractual terms are executed off-chain on the Clause platform.

A Grower, Importer and Shipment are tracked on IBM Blockchain Platform

As you interact with the sample you can see the transactions (blocks) that are being stored on the blockchain, along with the call to the Clause platform to calculate the price of the shipment based on the terms in the contract.

Audit Log showing transaction stored on IBM Blockchain Platform

We are really excited by IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan as it drastically reduces the time and complexity to stand-up a production grade blockchain, and includes the ability to invite and manage network participants.

Combine IBM Blockchain Platform with Smart Legal Contracts from Clause and you now have the ability for blockchain participants to transact, based on the terms and conditions specified in a legally enforceable Smart Legal Contract. Integrating legal contracts with blockchain data is a game-changer for many blockchain scenarios.

You can get started with IBM Blockchain Platform and Clause today!



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