Tutorial — Wallet setup & How to mint Claws NFT

3 min readMay 5, 2022


This tutorial will guide you through the process of minting a Claws NFT


$ICX (ICON Blockchain)
ICON Wallet (eg: ICONex)
Mint cost: 200 ICX per Claw

High-Level Guide

Step 1) Buy $ICX
Step 2) Create an ICON wallet
Step 3) Transfer $ICX
Step 4) Mint Claws
Step 5) You’re done!

Detailed Guide

Step 1)
Buy $ICX on your preferred crypto exchange, eg: binance.com. Look for any $ICX pair, eg: $ICX/$USDT or $ICX/$BTC etc. Each Claw will cost 200 ICX, and the minting fees are negligible (1 ICX is more than enough). So if you want to mint 2 Claws, buy 401 ICX, 10 Claws buy 2001 ICX and so on.

Step 2)
Create an ICON wallet, we will use ICONex chrome extension in this guide. Visit the Chrome Web Store, download and install the extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iconex/flpiciilemghbmfalicajoolhkkenfel?hl=en. Open the extension and choose create wallet

Then choose the ICON (ICX) wallet option

Follow through the next instructions, you should have a wallet created in the end. Copy down the wallet address starting with “hx”, eg:

Step 3)
Go to your exchange account and withdraw $ICX to the wallet we just created in Step 2. Remember to transfer via the ICX network, which should be the default for $ICX withdrawals on most exchanges. eg,

Refresh your ICONex wallet in a few minute, the deposit should appear.

Step 4)
Visit our minting website: https://www.clawsnft.com/, click presale at the top right corner. After you enter the presale page, choose the number of Claws you wish to mint then click the “MINT CLAW(S)” button. An ICONex window should pop-up, input your wallet password to sign the transaction.

Step 5)
That’s it, you’re done! You will be able to reveal your Claw after our sale ends. You will also receive 70,000 $CLAW tokens for each Claw you own.

