A Chia Berry Pudding That’ll Impress Your BAE

Clean Plates
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2017

By Laura D’Alessandro

If summer brings about memories of jams, canning, pies and crumbles, this recipe is for you. Whenever I see fresh berries start to pop up at the market, I buy loads just out of sheer excitement. It’s hard to eat them all fast enough, and I sure don’t want to smother them in sugar and put them in pies — as tempting as that sounds.

Here’s a way to prep them ahead of time for the week in a satisfying pudding that’s low in sugar and high in protein, thanks to those amazing, tiny little chia seeds. The jam is great for many uses. If you have some leftover, you can add it to toast, put it on top of waffles or pancakes, or just eat it by the spoonful for dessert.

Bio: Laura D’Alessandro is an editor and recipe developer in Los Angeles where she teaches private, in-home cooking lessons.

Originally published at Clean Plates.

