Quick Fixes: How to Lower Fasting Blood Sugar Today

3 min readJun 11, 2024

I will never forget the day the doctor told me, “Your fasting blood sugar is dangerously high.” I had been feeling more tired and had been consuming liters of water daily before I booked an urgent appointment with the doctor. The idea of using medications to tackle this invisible enemy was daunting. But then, he said that bringing my sugar levels back to normal wasn’t something impossible. It dawned upon me like the first light of a hopeful morning that I have the power within myself to lower my fasting blood sugar naturally, without any medication

It was a journey of patience, lifestyle modifications, and experimentation to lower my fasting blood sugar levels. As I journeyed, I discovered the art of lowering fasting blood sugar quickly and without medication, finding mantras rooted in diet and exercise that have helped me leash this silent beast — high fasting blood sugar

Managing your fasting blood sugar levels isn’t magic or the work of some divine intervention. My doctor put it like this, “Think of your body as a perfectly crafted car engine, and moderation is the key. You need to maintain the perfect balance of fuel and air to keep things running smoothly.” In the case of our bodies, this delicate balance comes from our food, our lifestyle, and our activities. The diet part was challenging, but interesting. Balancing my food habits, but not restricting my palette required some smart choices and small changes. Opting for whole grains over refined carbs, boosting fiber intake, moderating portions, and ensuring regular meals are some effective ways to lower fasting blood sugar naturally. When it comes to fasting blood sugar, irregular eating habits can cause more harm than overeating. Our body needs a constant supply of energy, and when we skip a meal, our body uses glucose stored in the liver, leading to high blood sugar levels

The magic mantra of lowering fasting blood sugar levels in the morning lies in what we do the night before. Opting for a light dinner and ensuring a good10–12-hour gap between dinner and breakfast helps in managing blood sugar levels effectively. Also, sipping on a spoonful of raw apple cider vinegar with a glass of water before going to bed helped me further

Another aspect that came as a life-changer was incorporating regular exercise into my routine. Start as simple or moderate as that matches your physical comfort, but the key is regularity. Be it a walk, jog, aerobics, or yoga, do what you enjoy. Exercise helps in increasing insulin sensitivity and also burning excess glucose in our system. Regular exercise, with its double benefit, is undisputedly the best way to lower fasting blood sugar quickly and naturally. Adopting a simple, yet disciplined lifestyle, eating smartly, and ensuring regular physical activity are the magic mantras of managing blood sugar. The best part of this journey is its ripple effect. Lowering fasting blood sugar levels naturally result in an overall healthy and vibrant life. Being healthy is no longer an option or a luxury. It is a necessity in this fast-paced world, and perhaps the only thing that truly belongs to us. Remember, life is sweet. Let’s not make it ‘sugar sweet’. So, here’s to hopping on that journey to lower our fasting blood sugar — and making life a little less sweet, but a lot healthier!

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