A ClickaCRM Review on Customer Journey

ClickaCRM Reviews
5 min readAug 13, 2020


What is ClickaCRM and what do they do? Why do you need to choose ClickaCRM for your customer relationship management? In this ClickaCRM review, I am going to answer these two key questions. I have been working with ClickaCRM for my business for a long time now and I know their systems inside out. This information comes from my knowledge of marketing and business in general and the experience from collaborating with ClickaCRM.

One of the most important things for a business is to keep a record of its customer journey, which I am going to focus on in this ClickaCRM review.

What is customer journey and how does it affect your business?

Customer journey is a collection of particular steps taken by a customer or a potential customer getting to know your product and finally purchasing your product or service; the customer might even stay loyal to your brand. But, how is ClickaCRM connected to your system?

ClickaCRM makes sure that you follow these steps so that you can understand what went wrong if a sales agent did not close a deal on a particular stage of your customer journey. Once you have diagnosed the problem, you will be able to plan on solving it by training your staff or any other measures that you feel necessary to take.

ClickaCRM Reviews

ClickaCRM Reviews - Stages of Your Customer Journey

1. Awareness

This is the first stage where a potential client starts noticing and paying attention to your products or services. If they learn about your business on the internet, they probably go to a search engine in order to look you up. Or, all of it can happen offline. They might hear about you on the radio or see you on a billboard. Either way, ClickaCRM makes sure that your potential customer is directed to you in the right way in order for you to be able to close a deal with them.

2. Investigation

Let’s suppose someone has gotten to know you in a way, online or offline. Then, in the next step, they start investigating. That is when they go on social media, especially those with different forums and groups like Facebook and Instagram, and look for recommendations about your brand, some user reviews to check out what you have to offer. They might even do that on your own blog or website.

What ClickaCRM does is that they can provide you with a pattern among your leads or those who might be interested in your products or services. For example, what time of year do people usually search about your products on the internet? This actually enables you to plan your advertising or marketing campaigns for that time of the year, or change the available products on your website some time around that, so that you can appeal to the leads.

3. Buying

Now that the customer knows about you and has chosen that your products or services are the right ones for them, they are ready to pay for the product/service. They could either place an order online if you have that option on your website, or they could go and visit one of your stores and shop there.

What is important here is that ClickaCRM allows you to record all the information you need from your customer in a secure and centralized way for further use. This data can be the customers’ personal info, contact details, address, age, or how they know your brand. This information is crucial to your business because you can later use it for targeting your audience with personalized messages.

Also, it is vital that this information is accessible by everyone on your team, at least the ones you need to be in contact with your customers. ClickaCRM also allows you to restrict the access of some employees to this data should you feel it is best if this information stays confidential.

4. Retention

One of the biggest mistakes that some companies make is that they let go of a customer who has purchased something from them and they are just happy with the money or profit they have made.

It is very important for a business to keep track of the quality of post-sales services. For example, one of the most common ones are FAQs on websites, or 24/7 customer support.

ClickaCRM can help you develop automated messages or templates for post-sales services. For instance, an email that thanks the customer for their purchases, hopes to see them again soon, and provides them with contact information to the customer service desk in case they need it. Another example could be an automated survey sent to customers via email within a week of their purchase to ask about their shopping experience.

5. Creating Loyalty

If so far, everything has gone well and the customer has been satisfied with the quality of your product and the services afterwards, when the product or service expires, you can address them with a new offer.

With the database they have created with your contacts, ClickaCRM enables you to track the activities of your customer on different social media, their reviews, and their recommendations. Then, you can decide whether or not they have been satisfied with choosing your brand and also if they would be interested in a new offer.

ClickaCRM reviews - What Else Do They Offer?

Probably, the most useful feature that ClickaCRM offers a business owner is the analytics that are usually in the form of graphs or charts. On analytics, you can see and track so many things, such as monthly sales, how many invoices your company has sent out, the average sales value, the expected sales rate, and it gives you the ability to compare costs versus sales and profit over the last few months. Basically you will get all the necessary information to know how your business is doing in one place.

Thank you for reading this ClickaCRM review and I hope that this information regarding what customer journey is and how ClickaCRM can help you manage that has been useful.

