Climate Collective Announces Third Round Grant Recipients

Climate Collective
2 min readDec 14, 2022


In August, the Climate Collective opened an application round for a new wave of our grants program. We present to you the latest cohort of awarded projects that are working to advance climate action at scale, using state of the art web3 technologies and mechanisms.

We have clustered the grantees according to their focus on three critical aspects of scaling meaningful climate action: data & transparency; liquidity & incentives; and coordination & trust-building.

Data & Transparency: projects that utilize novel digital measurement, reporting, and verification (“dMRV”) systems in tandem with Celo’s mobile capabilities

Gainforest: a decentralized fund using artificial intelligence to measure and reward sustainable nature stewardship.

Silvi: forward contracts and MRV tools to coordinate the planting of 1 trillion trees.

Tokenization & Liquidity: projects that tokenize and build markets for new forms of digital environmental assets

Sanergy: a circular economy company tokenizing non-nature based carbon credits from novel waste management solutions in sub-Saharan Africa.

CRED Protocol: an NFT minter that incentives and rewards the retirement of carbon credits.

Global Environmental Assets Platform (GEAP): a stock exchange for natural assets designed in partnership with Nasdaq and the Government of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Helios: debt pools financing new solar projects that sell renewable energy to consumers.

Ardis: a protocol designed to fund new solar and wind energy infrastructure development.

Coordination & Trust-Building: projects that channel widespread community engagement into verifiable climate action

Awake (formerly ClimateDAO): a platform for individual investors to coordinate stakeholder activism and accountability for companies in their portfolio.

Avatree: interactive NFT trees that grow with the purchase of carbon credits.

Wildchain: an online play-to-impact game protecting endangered species in the real world.

“This cohort of grantees are innovating across a number of critical climate verticals, including formal institutions like the natural asset stock exchange in Brazil (GEAP), critical Sustainable Development Goals on energy (Ardis and Helios) and waste management (Sanergy), decarbonization (CRED Protocol) and carbon markets (Silvi and Avatree), disruptive technologies (Gainforest) and incentive dynamics (Awake and Wildchain),” says Climate Collective CEO Anna Lerner. “I’m very inspired by these brave and thoughtful teams and look forward to continuing to learn from them and support their paths to scale.”

“It’s been heartening to see the determination with which Climate Collective grantees forge ahead with building new solutions in spite of market circumstances,” says Technology Lead Nirvaan Ranganathan. “As projects make progress on their respective roadmaps, I look forward to facilitating mutually beneficial integrations and fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem for digital environmental assets.”



Climate Collective

Building a community at the intersection of climate and digital tech