On ending and starting fresh again

Clo S
4 min readNov 22, 2017


Money seems to be a taboo in Europe in general, and in France in particular.

One thing you may not know about me, is that I love taboos. I love talking about them, and getting comfortable with them. Sometimes I fancy putting them out there, handing them out to people. I watch how those people react, and what they do with it.

Do they pretend not hearing it? Do they mention it, without getting personal? Do they avidly seize the opportunity to chat about something the usual crowd avoids?

So, here goes.

3 months ago today, I resigned from my job as a Project Manager, because it was no longer what I felt spending 5 days a week on. I had interest in both Data Science (see the 15/11 entry here) and Product — I insist, Product — Management. I’ve also had an urge to leave Paris for several years, and this career change could make it come true.

From Death to Stock

Doing the math

Money on the side was more than enough. I calculated how much I had in total, and how much I ought to spend each month. Then, with the magical power of division, I knew how long I could last before becoming penniless: 9 months.

As it turned out, I had even overestimated how much money I would need per month. I could have lasted close to 11 months without income.

Let’s go back to the end of summer.

Financially confident, I started studying Python and reading a lot about Data Science. I checked job descriptions to use them as a syllabus. I looked out for my next courses and met new Internet people who shared my interest.

Now a few months in, I bitterly realise that having no scientific degree makes my journey a cumbersome one. It prevents me from getting into any actual, exhaustive, diploma-delivering Data Science program. The remaining option is to do MOOC after MOOC, trying to pile skills up and build projects on my own.

Which sure is doable, but is going to take longer than expected.

From Death to Stock

Being real & refocusing

Now, let’s be honest.

The main reason I quit was because I wanted/needed to not work this job anymore.

Another thing I had in mind, was to be able to go remote. My somewhat unrealistic dream is to combine work and travel. I’ve been wanting out of Paris for at least 4 years, but doing so thanks to a remote job was a rather young idea at the time.

It’s still new — less than a year old — but wouldn’t you agree that one ought to fight for one’s dream?

The reasons I’m being open about mine are:

  • I want to paint the real picture. I started documenting this Journey into Tech without knowing where it would lead me, if any place at all. I don’t mind showing setbacks or failure, with any challenge I take on, and I’m ready for the next one.
  • It allows me to hold myself accountable. Writing things down is the first step towards commitment.
From Death to Stock

Okay, cool, but what’s next?

As of the 22nd of November 2017, here’s my rough plan.

I want to keep learning about Programming and Data Science. I also want to move towards my work-while-travelling goal, and Data Science doesn’t appear to be a good help.

However, my other field of interest — Product Management — is more likely to be within reach.

As a result, I’m going to develop my Python and Data Science skills, while keeping an eye on product-related job offers. Thanks to the comfort of my savings, I may dare to be reasonably picky. Filtering jobs and applying to the most fulfilling ones could be my way to go.

A plan B, you ask?

Going freelance and doing some Project Management jobs could work as well.

From Death to Stock

Clearing my mind and outlining my next goal was perfect to end the day.

Tomorrow is another one.

I’m ready to start fresh again.

— — This is the final entry of my ‘Journey into Tech’ journal. Now that I’ve admitted to myself that pursuing Data Science as a main goal is not the best way to go, I don’t find it relevant to keep this journal going. I will keep writing anyhow, but on other topics. Feel free to follow my adventures. — —



Clo S

Founder, This Too Shall Grow • Consultant & Coach in Mindful UX & Digital Wellness