Small Closets in Miami Get Extreme Makeovers with Customized Work

Closet Factory
1 min readMar 1, 2017

If you live in a tiny apartment, chances are your personal closet will have the capacity of a medium-sized cupboard. While it might be adequate for people who own personal stuff that you can count in one hand, no ordinary person will be able to use, let alone show off a miniscule, disorganized closet to house guests.

Why customized closets?

Small closets can be a pain to deal with especially if you have too many clothes and personal stuff to store. Customized closets can help free up spaces that you don’t even know you had without compromising the integrity or the overall aesthetic of your apartment. You also have the chance to handpick the materials and work closely with the builder so that the design will exactly suit your taste and lifestyle. Read more on this article.



Closet Factory

The Closet Factory is a leading provider of closet storage solutions that suit your lifestyle, taste, and budget.