How Cloudtenna Is Helping to Transform Mobile Work: Introducing Workspace

Aaron Ganek, CEO, Cloudtenna
3 min readJun 17, 2020


A lot of us have experienced a big shift in the way we work in the last couple of months. At Cloudtenna, we have too. And while we’re excited to get back to the office, only about 4% of leaders anticipate a full return to work right away. Today, I’m excited to share some good news that we think will make working from home, and working in general, easier: we’re offering a new tool to help you be more flexible in how you work online.

As a company that got our start in enterprise search, we’re taking a big step. We’ve expanded Cloudtenna to serve a new set of mobile professionals with our application: Workspace. We’re calling it Workspace, because, well, we want you to be able to work from anywhere you want.

About Workspace

In a nutshell, Workspace is a centralized hub for all favorite cloud-based storage and collaboration platforms like Slack, Google Drive and Box. We allow you to search, access, edit, and share all of those files — all from one simple app. As the first-of-its-kind cross-app file search application, we’re excited to have cracked the code on a solution that has eluded the market for years.

Having too many files spread across various applications is commonplace, and as these applications gain popularity, it becomes more difficult to find relevant files. Instead of wasting time trying to track down files sprawled on various apps or having to log into your laptop or desktop, our goal is to make it easier to work right from your phone or tablet.

To get started, login and connect the business applications you typically use. Then, Cloudtenna securely indexes your files by building a collection of your content across platforms in near real time. To maintain enterprise-grade security, we’ve developed an indexing process that only analyzes the metadata and keywords from your files, leaving the content in place on the original app, safe and organized.

Next, using our proprietary AI technology, we get to know your search patterns which allows us to give you intelligent recommendations on what files you may be trying to hunt down. Not only is this feature unique to Cloudtenna, but it creates a highly personalized search experience. All of this is happening while maintaining current file permissions from each source, giving you exactly what you need in under a second.

Why Now?

When we began developing Workspace, we envisioned always on-the-go professionals benefiting most from easy access to files in their pockets. Think: searching for and updating a file while waiting for the subway. However, the world looks completely different now, compared to even a month ago. Today, those “on-the-go” folks are now more than likely working as “stay-at-home” professionals.

My team has been working remotely for a while now, and something I’ve noticed about myself is that I’m relying on my phone in a lot of ways: to connect with family, friends, and also co-workers. So whether you’re using your mobile device as a second (or third) screen for your make-shift work-from-home desk, or in between meetings while making lunch, Workspace is there to power whatever mobile work you need to get done.

What’s Next

In more ways than one, what we’re collectively experiencing now will inform how we work and collaborate for the foreseeable future. From the deeper connections we’re making with our teams to our ability to collaborate in real time, our professional lives are consistently mobile, even where we’re staying in place. These habits won’t go away once we’ve returned to our offices.

Workspace will help you feel secure in the fact that you can always access crucial business information and engage with your team seamlessly, whenever you need.

So for now, while you keep Slacking, Zooming, G-Chatting and giving it your all in these chaotic times (even from your couch), we’ll be working right along with you. By staying connected to the needs of mobile professionals, we hope to evolve in our understanding of how people are interacting with their content, and innovate to help individuals and teams find solutions for the workplace of tomorrow.

Check out and review Workspace on the App Store or Google Play Store, and feel free to head over to my Product Hunt profile for any other live updates



Aaron Ganek, CEO, Cloudtenna

Aaron Ganek is CEO and co-founder of Cloudtenna, and a user experience advocate.