A Brief Biography of Christopher Hitchens

Cloy David Feachen
2 min readMay 12, 2017


Holding a bachelor’s degree in marketing, Cloy David Feachen serves as the general manager of Nexcaliber and president of Entira, Inc. In his free time, Cloy David Feachen enjoys reading and is particularly fond of books by Christopher Hitchens.

A British-American author, essayist, and journalist, Christopher Hitchens was well-known for speaking his mind. He was born in 1949 in Portsmouth, England. With a father in the British Royal Navy, the family moved regularly, but Hitchens was able to attend private schools throughout his youth.

Enrolling at Balliol College at the University of Oxford, Hitchens majored in politics, philosophy, and economics. He was an active participant in counterculture movements and political protests during the 1960s and joined Britain’s Labour Party.

Upon his graduation, Hitchens moved to London to write for the Times Higher Education Supplement. He subsequently wrote for the Daily Express and Evening Standard, then became the New Statesman’s foreign editor until he moved to New York City in 1981.

Although Hitchens continued working as a journalist, in the 1990s, he began writing books, including The Monarchy: A Critique of Britain’s Favorite Fetish and The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice.

Christopher Hitchens wrote books and articles throughout the 2000s and released his memoir, Hitch-22, in 2010. This was followed by two books of collected works in 2011. Hitchens died of esophageal cancer in December of that year.



Cloy David Feachen

Cloy David Feachen regards his work helping customers manage their health care plans, communication with health care providers to ensure lower costs.