The quick-start guide to, a new email integration for Slack for Slack
3 min readOct 5, 2015


For many companies, Slack has completely—and quickly—replaced internal emails. But, to connect to the outside world, the most effective option remains good ol’ email.
Sure, you can invite your clients, partners, lawyer or accountant as single-channel guests, but will they keep a Slack window open for you? Besides, email suits them, so why should they adapt to your tool, rather than you to theirs?

We at Clubble believe everyone should be able to use the tool they prefer. Two tools, one conversation. Here is the guide to stop fighting over whether using Slack or email.

Step 1: Sign up to with Slack

Go to and sign up with your Slack account. Don’t worry about your data. We don’t keep your Slack team’s messages and files (we couldn’t care less about what you say/do on Slack!).

Step 2: Invite your first email member

Our administration interface couldn’t be simpler. Pick a channel, enter an email address (test with your own address) and press “Go!”.

Step 3: Your interlocutor gets an email

Zero change for your interlocutors. They read your messages and reply from the comfort of their inbox.

Step 4: You get the reply in Slack

Less switching between Slack and your mailer. When you or someone from your team answer, your interlocutors receive a new email. Not an email for every new message, though: Uninterrupted messages from a same author are sent in one email (just like in Slack), and email users have the option to group messages in hourly or daily emails.

Step 5: Set up the /clubble command

No need to go back to our administration interface, you can do everything directly from Slack. Invite or remove email users with the /clubble command. Go to to set it up.

We’re help to help

Do not hesitate to leave us a response here, send us a tweet @ClubbleIO or drop us a line at support at is still in beta, so your feedback is much appreciated.

