The CoExistCoin Mission

4 min readSep 9, 2017

CoExistCoin’s mission since its start in April of 2015 is to be the first charity block-chain cryptocurrency to help the less fortunate. So many people in the world are in desperate and horrible circumstances. CoExistCoin is determined to help and empower those in need with the knowledge and tools to get themselves out of these situations.
In these times with all the science, technology and education at our disposal it’s never been easier to grow crops or get the clean water out of the ground that is a mere 6 feet underground. We just need to get these resources and education to the people that need them most. So many charitable organizations collect money for people in need. A lot of times these organizations have so much overhead that only a small fraction of the donated money go to those in need. Most people that decide to donate their hard earned money, choose an organization that only gives 10 cents on the dollar to those they are helping. Maybe if people could see exactly where their money is going they would in turn make better choices on whom to trust with it.
That is where CoExistCoin can help! When CoExistCoin is applied to the donation process, every single cent that a person donates is traceable. Every donation is recorded on CoExistCoin’s blockchain. This is documented and cannot be compromised. This tool gives the donor the power to know exactly where their hard earned money is going. To find more information and how you can help visit us at

Why CoExistCoin?

CoExistCoin is a decentralized digital currency that is run on blockchain technology. CoExistCoin’s goal is to be synonymous with charity and donations. We are THE digital charity currency. Using CoExistCoin, all transactions are recorded on the blockchain and cannot be altered or tampered with. Anyone and everyone has access to see all transactions on the blockchain by using the block explorer.You can trace and follow exactly where your donated money is going. This is great!! It gives charity checks and balances for the first time. Foundations and organization can no longer hide where the funds are going. No more abuse; like only 10% of each dollar being used toward the cause. Now the proof is out there for all to see at any time.

Charities We Can Help

The motto of CoExistCoin is “Empower the Less Fortunate” We plan on doing this in many different ways. Our first campaign will be starting a coding class that teaches blockchain programming in Zimbabwe. Through education we can help empower people with technology and a new skill set.
Our second campaign will be to bring clean water and improved sanitation systems to Zimbabwe. Clean water is the most important staple to survival and life. Without it we die. The clean drinking water that many of us take for granted is a simple matter of survival for many people around the globe. Together we can help insure clean water and basic sanitation can be accessed by all.

Finally we would like to set up a system of voting where the CoExistCoin community can use their CECCT (CoExistCoin Community Tokens) to vote on charities that are close to their heart. Voting will be accomplished by sending CECCT to a voting box id of the charity campaign they wish to support and vote for. Every vote and donation receives a receipt.

One of the best things about CoExistCoin is that every transaction is recorded on the blockchain and every donation is completely traceable insuring your donation is going directly to the project you want to support. In this way, funds are easily tracked, and all expenses accounted for.

CoExistCoin is now on the WAVES platform. The wallet is a light client with no block-chain to download. It’s blazing fast with fiat integration and it’s easy and intuitive to use as well. CoExistCoin users have a wide variety of ways to get the wallet from a mobile APP or a google chrome extension. The best part is, your WAVES address is also your CoExistCoin address and all transactions can be looked up and verified using the WAVES block explorer. Its never been easier to hold and use CoExistCoin. Search waves wallet in the Apple store or Google play store. Using a PC? Visit
Currently CoExistCoin is on the DEX. It is a decentralized exchange within the WAVES wallet. Upon completion of token offering and after CoExistCoin distribution there will be other exchanges offering CoExistCoin.


There are currentlty 2 bounty campaigns under way

Go to link to participate
Are you on Join the signature campiagn and get paid

Read the white paper on our site at




CoExistCoin is a blockchain powered cryptocurrency that is the technology to help Empower those in need.