The start of the journey….

3 min readMar 7, 2019


We are excited to announce the launch of Co:Lab4. Its aspiration is to support people, organisations and communities thrive and prosper in the future now called Industry 4.0.

Over the last few years, it has become increasingly evident that leaders are finding it difficult to navigate and make sense of the accelerating and concurrent technological changes, social value shifts, economic realities and environmental sustainability challenges that are emerging.

Whilst these meta-trends are fundamentally reshaping the way we live, work, play, learn, travel and consume they tend to be dominated by a science, technology, automation and futurism story that overlooks the central question of What it is to be human?

Areas of key concern to us are:-

ability for our organisations to successfully compete globally;

lagging adoption of new business models;

organisation strategy where human needs are being neglected;

rising rates of disengagement of employees;and

ability for individuals and organisations to navigate the Future of Work.

An opportunity exists for all of us to re-frame this emerging story to one anchored in humanity that embraces a system thinking based approach.

We are inspired by the opportunity to build this capability and are optimistic of our capacity as a community to harness our collective intelligence to shape new emerging pathways to prosper in this fast moving complex world.

By simply asking better questions such as: What is the future we want for our kids? , What is the role of education?, What is work?, What is the real role of technology? -we end up with different thinking and perspectives

Without being prepared to face into the uncertainty, sharing ideas, asking questions, collaborating, solving problems, embracing innovation and entrepreneurship, the capacity for our current and future generations to have a better life will be greatly diminished.

To do this we believe new maps, tools, and skills will be required.

Our new playbook entails:

mastering the new logic of social and business value creation;

embracing new and emerging business models;

reframing decision making for a fast moving complex uncertain world, seeking out cognitive diversity and crowdsourcing ideas;

harnessing emerging technologies anchored in humanity;

designing and building the organisations of the future; and

reimagining leadership, management and skills.

Co:Lab4 is an ecosystem, grounded in growing a network of people that care about the ability to be future fit and give people the best chance of succeeding and thriving in the 21st Century.

Its aspiration is to collaborate with the people, teams, organisations, and communities who want to build the foresight, skills, and capabilities in order to thrive and prosper in the 21st Century.




Supporting people, organisations and communities navigate, thrive and prosper in Industry 4.0