How to have a successful group, make better decisions and reduce emails

john gieryn
2 min readJun 18, 2019


Editor note: Hi, this is an old newsletter from Loomio (co-op I used to work at, and still support). It indexes two guides I was involved in developing that are still relevant today for groups aspiring to better collaboration.

A big reason why Loomio exists is to help people collaborate to achieve successful outcomes.

We are constantly surprised at the ways in which groups around the world use Loomio to do just that, with less time and effort, and this month we want to highlight some of that magic with:

  1. A guide, “Four patterns of high-functioning groups”
  2. How Loomio supports boards
  3. A powerful story from a member-driven organization

1. Four patterns of successful groups

Why is it that some groups succeed where other groups often fail?

This is the underlying question group coordinators and facilitators grapple with as they seek to help people do better work together, and one that we aim to solve with Loomio.

Having talked to Loomio users — from volunteer activist groups to companies to governance boards — time and time again we hear and see a few key factors that all successful groups have in common.

So, what sets great groups apart from the rest?

Loomio’s Michael Elwood-Smith has identified four patterns:

Learn what they are here.

2. Loomio for boards

It can be difficult to deal with issues that crop up between meetings, particularly if you rely on email as your primary communication channel.

Boards are using Loomio to continue important work between meetings — overcoming email frustration, saving time and enjoying better meetings.

See how Loomio can transform your board.

3. “Investing in community”

The Vermont Solidarity Investing Club is taking a participatory approach to resourcing cooperative organizations.

Vermont Solidarity Investing Club smiles for a team photo.

We are proud that Loomio is a tool through which they are transforming the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of investing in order to more efficiently work towards healthier economies and communities.

Read the full story.

PS. We are really excited to make early-access of Loomio 2.0 (beta) available soon; stay tuned for details and updates by following us on Twitter and keep an eye on our latest blog posts here.

Ngā mihi nui,

John and the Loomio Team



john gieryn

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