Why Are You Doing What You’re Doing?

Brett Blair
3 min readAug 22, 2015


I have a question for you.

Why are you doing what you are doing?

Right now, at this moment, if you have a job, or are an entrepreneur — running your own business, why do you have that job? Why are you running that business? Have you thought about that recently? Now may be a good time to do just that.

From my personal experience, I’ve found it is easy to end up in a career based on what other people expect of you, or to do something just because it somehow came across your path. Other people work in a job or stay in a line of business, sometimes for a lifetime, only to make money. None of these are the right reasons.

As a kid, I used to dream about inventing something — something really big and that would somehow change the world. I used to read encyclopedias (this shows how old I am), and I wanted to one day write a novel. I found out in elementary, junior high and high school that I LOVED working with people. My favorite job was when I was a teller at a local bank. I had big passions, and wanted to be an entrepreneur and fly with those passions.

Then, it became time to choose a college and a career.

For some crazy reason, this people loving young man with big dreams and goals decided to be — an Industrial Engineer.

I chose the highest paying job I could find that required no more than a four-year degree. I was not good at math, not good at science, and had no interest at all in mechanical things.

Following the expectations of other people, I entered the corporate world. From all outside measurements, my life was great. I had a growing career, a wonderful family, a nice lifestyle. What was there to complain about? On the inside, I knew something was not right, but I could not articulate it. Finally, at forty-five years of age, I gave in to my entrepreneurial urgings, quit my corporate job, and opened my own business. It was difficult at first, but was also exciting.

My business is non-stop dealing with people, is about helping people, and I get great personal satisfaction from doing it.

In my mid-life years, I discovered my gifts, my talents, and finally overcame the fear of disappointing others. I launched out on my authentic path. I’m now much happier, and working and living in alignment with my passions, and am — in fact, earning a nice living at the same time.

I wonder how many other people do the same thing, spending a lifetime in a career that doesn’t light their fire. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you are that person, I encourage you to take some time to do some deep personal introspection. Ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing. If it is not in alignment with your God-given passions, then stop! Or, if you are not in a position to stop right now, then get about making a plan to stop at some point in the future. Move into the direction of your dreams.

As Henry David Thoreau so famously wrote, “most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with their song still in them.”

By all means, don’t let this be you!!

If you’ve enjoyed this post, you should consider Downloading my latest E-Book, Top Ten Tips to Design and Live Your Exceptional Life.

Originally published at blairleadershipgroup.com on April 7, 2015.



Brett Blair

Author of From Autopilot to Authentic and Born Love Die. Growth Coach and creator and host of the Best Life Masterclass.