Don’t Toss All Your Pebbles at Once

I’m sure you’ve heard the analogy of the ripple effect in building your business. Using the ripple effect is a simple way to find new clients.

You cast a pebble into a lake and it creates a ripple of small waves moving out from where the tiny stone contacted the water.

Each pebble represents a contact you make. The ripples and resulting waves create energy from the initial connection and spread on their own.

When you say you don’t know where to look for clients

The goal of this analogy is you reach out to someone and find a way to share your story with them. You hope they will toss their pebble by sharing your story with someone else.

I’ve used the pebble analogy often with my clients especially when they say, “I have no idea where to start finding new clients.”

Build your existing circles of contacts, starting with your most intimate connections (friends and family) and purposely moving out to other networks.

Think Six Degrees of Separation. You begin with the first degree and continue to move further out on the circles from 1st…



😎🌵Marylee Pangman 🪴 ⛳️

Business coach and desert container gardening expert moving to my next phase of life. I love talking about business and being outdoors.