Investing in Online Learning; Photo by Juliette Leufke on Unsplash

Why Costly Online Programs Fail You

and what you can do about it …


We want to grow our business — Fast.

We look for the magic solution. As we do, what starts popping up in our Facebook feed? Ads that look like they’re are going to solve our #1 problem.

I clicked on an offer recently from an online marketer claiming to have found the perfect solution to building an email list. The claim was fast and Big! Since this is a goal of mine I clicked on the free PDF for a checklist to build your list.

The link took me to a page that flashed by in a microsecond and brought up a second page to a webinar sign-in. I could not get to the checklist.

After fiddling around some, I was able to finally find the checklist. Just to be clear, the definition of “checklist” is:

“a list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered”

What I received was a one-page workbook that probably is the page that you would have open for the webinar.

Very disappointing.



😎🌵Marylee Pangman 🪴 ⛳️

Business coach and desert container gardening expert moving to my next phase of life. I love talking about business and being outdoors.