The Mystery of Christ Consciousness: Life in Every Breath

Shaun Adams
11 min readJan 25, 2024
Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Contractions! Ugh! I can only imagine how they feel. I have a rather limited tolerance for witnessing people in pain. Fortunately, my wife and I had the opportunity to attend Lamaze classes, where we learned breathing techniques to control pain during her labor. When the moment finally arrived to deliver our firstborn son, I found myself doing more Lamaze breathing than my wife — “hee-hee-hoooooo.”

At the time of birthing the content for this book, not only are my wife and I joyously expecting another child (due on 11/11), but the entire planet, and all within Her womb, is also undergoing the same. As with all births, contractions occur, some of which may feel painful, yet they are a vital part of the birthing process. Though this change is happening globally, as you will soon realize, the source of this re-birthing process is You.

As the inner is a reflection of the outer, so are these contractions resonating within the souls of humanity, impacting all facets of life, ranging from technology and media to religion and spirituality. This publication will explore the “contractions” experienced by those encountering a spiritual rebirth; for you are being “born again.” Together, we will undertake an introspective journey to examine the religious beliefs that limit us. We will then explore more liberating ideas that better align with who you are today as a spiritual BEing.

Is it possible to believe in Angel Numbers and still be a Christian? If God created the Universe and all within Her Womb, doesn’t that make the Universe Holy? Does the Holy Bible share commonalities with science, philosophy, and other faiths, indicating a shared continuity among them? Am I free to BE myself without risking my salvation for all eternity? These are the questions I am often asked by many Christians around the world who believe they must choose between Jesus and New Age ideas. But why choose when most New Age concepts are rooted in the Bible? Was it not King Solomon who reminded us:

there is nothing new under the Sun.”- Ecclesiastes 1:9

As a Spiritual Life Coach, you will find that I tend to ask more questions than provide answers. If you examine some of history’s most celebrated teachers, such as Jesus, Buddha, and Paul, you will see that they all employed this “Socratic Questioning Method” to assist their students in discovering answers from within. It is a technique that all exceptional coaches use. And it is the one thing that differentiates spirituality from religion.

My journey into questioning God began during my teenage years. Church services often do not allow parishioners to ask questions about their faith. Fortunately, I had some close friends who were believers I could turn to for support. We were all members of a traveling Christian band called “T.H. Productions.” Our leader was Tye Husbands, one of my closest friends.

T.H. Productions (Circa 1997). That’s me in the red shirt and Tye is on the bottom in yellow.

When preaching, Tye would often ask, “How big is God?” and someone in the congregation would respond, “He’s as big as the Earth.” Tye would reply, “Yes, and He’s bigger than that.” Tye would then ask someone else, who might respond, “He’s as BIG as the entire Galaxy!” Again, Tye would answer, “Yes, and He’s even bigger.” Without fail, no matter what the enthusiastic churchgoer said, Tye would respond, “Yes, and He’s even bigger.”

Eventually, I became aware that we, as humans, construct an image of God that is only as great as our understanding of Him. Even the use of a gender pronoun can limit our perception of God’s Infinite Nature. Remember this: at any given moment, your life will always be proportional to (or congruent with) your ability to perceive how BIG God is in your mind. This is a truth that will become more apparent to you as you read this book.

When I was a young adult, my quest to discover the magnitude of God led me to read works by Christian authors like Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Myles Munroe, Charles Chapps, Watchman Nee, CS Lewis, Jon Zens, and numerous others. As time passed, my hunger for knowledge grew. Consequently, I began to explore God beyond the lens of Christianity, immersing myself in books on Spirituality, Self Help, Science, Philosophy, Mathematics, other Religions of the World, and more. I consumed every book I could find, including those by great thinkers like Napoleon Hill, Wallace D. Wattles, David R. Hawkins, Tony Robbins, Reverend Ike, Don Miguel Ruiz, Guy Ballard, and numerous others. These authors pushed me to rethink how I view myself, God, and the Universe.

As I grew older, I began to recognize an inherent Oneness masterfully woven into every book I read, regardless of the subject matter. This opened my eyes to a bigger image of God than I could possibly imagine, which profoundly impacted my life and affected those in my sphere of influence. Yet, despite experiencing more joy, peace, happiness, and abundance, I still felt like something was missing. You see, as someone who was raised in the church, I consistently asked myself, “Where is Jesus Christ?” in this “new” content that I had grown to love. Consequently, I began to search for Him. I was unwavering in my quest to find Jesus in every book I read, whether studying the basics of quantum mechanics or discovering His influence in religions outside my own. With each book I read, I could feel Him closer.

One day, while sitting on the front porch of our home and discussing my exploration with my wife, Tia, I experienced a sudden and profound realization. In the middle of my sentence, I stopped speaking to absorb the “download” I received. With tears streaming down my face, I gazed up at Tia and cried out, “I’ve found Him!! He’s EEEVVERRRYWHHERRRRE!!!” It was that moment I realized the key to finding Jesus Christ in any environment: One must FEEL His Presence there. For me, that meant sensing Him in every word I read. As I sat there, I wept because the very thing I had been searching for was right before me all along. I also recognized that separation between anything in God’s Kingdom is contrary to the Word of God. In fact, Paul refers to the concept of Oneness with ALL as “the Mysteries of Christ” (Ephesians 3:4).

If it’s possible to feel Christ everywhere, then separation from Him must be an illusion. Oh, Friend, Christ is not separate from ANYONE or ANYTHING, ANYWHERE; He is One with ALL. I discovered Christ in the Zodiac and stories about the Sun and the Moon. I found His essence in Taoism and Buddhism. I discovered Him in the Bible and even in scriptures not included in the original Canon. I found Him in the Light within EVERY atom and the substance of Matter Itself. But most of all, I found Him within myself, my wife, my children, and in everyone & everything, including YOU. This leads us to the first aphorism you will read in this book: “God is everywhere and there is nowhere He is not.” Paul says:

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him ALL things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; ALL things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him ALL things hold together.” — Colossians 1:15–17 (NIV)

For the Christian, the exploration to determine the vastness of God must begin with acknowledging that Christ exists IN everything. For what else could “ALL” in the words “ALL THINGS” mean? Certainly not “some.” From this perspective, EVERYTHING from the tiniest blade of grass to the brightest star is the firstborn “son” of God. This is what is known as “Christ Consciousness.” In this context, the Word “Christ” doesn’t just refer to the Beloved Person of Jesus; It refers to the state in which a person embodies Divine Love, Unity, and a deeply profound interconnectedness with ALL THINGS. It is to live in alignment with one’s highest values & purpose, and it is only perceivable to those ready to receive it, which is why you are here. If these words have found you, and you are ready to grow, then let THIS Mind, this Christ Consciousness / Mindedness / Mindfulness, BE In You!

For you who are ready to awaken from your spiritual slumber (John 11:11), we have written this online book so that you do not feel you have to abandon your Christian heritage to explore the “Many Mansions” of God’s Kingdom (the Entire Universe and beyond).

The Mysteries of Christ

Photo by Maël GRAMAIN on Unsplash

“When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the Mystery of Christ
- (Ephesians 3:4 NIV)

The Mysteries of Christ elude those who are not ready to perceive them. This is why Paul begins Ephesians 3:4 by effectively saying, “For those who can perceive this mystery…” implying that not everyone is open to accepting it. Paul continues:

This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of One body, and sharers together” — Ephesians 3:6 (NIV)

This is the Mystery — that you are One with All. Those who are ready to accept this mysterious truth are inundated with symbols of Oneness by Angels, resulting in the frequent appearance of the ubiquitous 11:11. As you will soon learn, when one sees this number (or patterns of it), it serves as a reminder to the observer to look beyond the curtains of life to that which cannot be perceived solely through the physical senses of the body. While many people spend their entire lives pursuing God, when one sees Angel numbers, it becomes apparent that God is pursuing them.

It is said, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” In this case, the Teacher is One’s “Higher Christ Self” or Inner Guide. This Magnificent Christ Presence is located in the nucleus (heart) of ALL THINGS.* As such, It can utilize anyone or anything at any point in (or out of) time to teach you, making the entire Universe your teacher, and you Its student. Seeing 11:11 is a sign that the Universe is guiding you, and you are on the right path. To these are given “the keys of the Kingdom;” that is, the ability to understand the Mysteries of Christ, which is Oneness, or Unity. According to mystics, Unity is of the utmost priority to God.

To understand the Mysteries of God, one must rise above their present level of awareness (or consciousness). You must read between the lines and beneath words to hear the whispers of the Holy Spirit. You must always think for yourself, search for yourself, and not just accept any information that comes your way. You must “test all things and hold fast to what is good.” Achieving this requires frequent check-ins with your INNER Voice, feelings, and thoughts. This is the first duty of every Disciple of Christ — to turn to their own Holy Spirit within and seek instructions, direction, or clarity with the thought that says, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.”

For much of my early Christian life, I searched for a God in the sky and awaited His return, when the Kingdom is already “at hand” (eternally present). Was it not Jesus who stated that “the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20–21)? It is worth noting that Jesus addressed this statement to “unbelievers.” From this, we can deduce that everything God has ever created anywhere and everywhere IS His Kingdom. This includes you, me, the entire Universe, and every atom. Paradoxically, while we are in the Kingdom, the Kingdom is also in us! THIS IS THE MYSTERY: Everything in the Kingdom (not just some things) is the “only begotten Son” of God. As such, there is no need to travel anywhere to find It. You can discover the Kingdom right where you are, for It is as close as your every breath. This is the essence of Christ Consciousness, and this is how you bring Heaven to Earth.

With Every Breath

Contrary to popular belief, being religious is different from being spiritual. Religion is a set of rules one follows until one finds the Kingdom. The word “spirit,” however, when translated in the original Hebrew Language, means “breath” or “wind.” So then, to be “spiritual” is the embodiment of the idea or process of breathing. Spirituality cannot be turned on or off, nor do you have to pursue it. You don’t need to go to school, nor do you require a degree to have it. Rather, you ARE a spiritual being who is continuously evolving with each passing breath.

Your entire life is spiritual, whether you accept it or not. Let me state this differently: You are a spiritual being in a physical body, and nothing and no one can ever take that away from you. Even if you believe you have committed the worst “sin,” you are still a spiritual being. Allow this thought to permeate your mind: Every breath I take is a spiritual act. Most people spend their lives pursuing what they think is spiritual, but in reality, they are becoming more religious. Religion promotes the idea that God is separate from us and that we can never attain His likeness. But this belief no longer serves the Collective Consciousness. If indeed “Spirit” and “Breath” mean the same thing, it follows that God’s Presence is as close as my every breath.

For this reason, I accept all aspects of myself, including my Light and Darkness, Good and Otherwise, honoring their perfection. Therefore, when I go to work, I Am Spiritual. When I cook, eat or sleep, I Am Spiritual. When I make love, I Am Spiritual. Everything that “I AM” is spiritual; and, I recognize this in every moment of my life — with every breath.

Interestingly, humanity is transitioning from the 2000-year-long Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age (also known as the “New” Age). Aquarius is an air sign, which means it deals with air-related concepts. This is why we are seeing a rising interest in practices like breath-work and affirmations. It is a reflection of the changes occurring in the stars affecting our planet now. As above, so below.

Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Take a brief moment right now to concentrate on your breathing. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four counts, and then exhale for four counts. Repeat this a few times, breathing deeply and slowly, and concentrate on the sensation of the breath moving in and out of your body. Now center your attention on God’s Presence within your Heart. Place your hand over your Heart and repeat these words aloud several times: “My Breath is Spiritual.”

As you courageously challenge the beliefs that no longer serve you, everything you encounter will change, because you are changing. This is the spiritual awakening, the re-birthing that is taking place within you right now. You are becoming aware that your inner world reflects your outer reality. Thus, because you are changing, you must also give permission for everything around you to change. If you can accept this, know that your Higher Christ Self has brought you here to discover the true nature of your Divinity.

Just as my friend Tye asked me, I now ask you: “How big is God?” To answer this question, you must first see God within yourself and then in the Oneness of everything outside yourself. When you recognize the Christ of ALL THINGS, starting by acknowledging Him in your heart, your spiritual ascension has begun. This mindset will guide you on a lifelong journey — one that we will embark upon together as we navigate through this publication.

Welcome to the 11:11 Journey.

Your Friend & Tribe
Shaun Adams

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* “…so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith…” — Ephesians 3:17



Shaun Adams

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫