Stop Kinder Morgan Flotilla Launches Kinder Morgan Construction Protest

Coast Protectors
3 min readOct 30, 2017


1 of 8 arrestees, Karen Mahon, kept her sign dry the whole time

Karen Mahon, a veteran environmental activist and one of the five arrested Saturday, posted to social media after she was released from custody:

“How can it be that I am the criminal when they are knowingly destroying traditional lands and waters and polluting our climate for profit? There are thousands of climate refugees who have been driven from their homes. I watched the stories of people dying on the California wildfires.

And we who are trying to stop the destruction are treated as criminals and the police force of Canada and British Columbia use their force to protect the right of a Texas oil company to make a profit while causing so much suffering. When is enough enough?”

If you want to donate to #StopKM,
Tiny House Warriors or Coast Protectors

