Expanding Code for JC Brigade’s Leadership Team

Code For JC
8 min readAug 4, 2015


Code for JC is looking to improve and expand its organization to further impact Jersey City. We focus our iterative, user-centered, and data-driven approach to government and community primarily in four areas that have real human impact. Safety & Justice, Economic Development, Health, and Communication and Engagement.

There are several core volunteer roles that we see as important for the organization to achieve it’s mission. Know someone you think would be great for this position? Please email us or forward this post to them.

Development Lead
Finance/ Fundraising Lead
Marketing Lead
Communications Lead
Outreach/Partnerships Lead
Volunteer Lead
Events Lead


Development Lead

Volunteer position

Raise funds and cultivate relationships to sustain a lightly staffed organization

Cultivate a team of interested volunteers to help you get stuff done

  • Research corporate and philanthropic sources
  • Establish and sustain relationships w/sources
  • Work with Marketing and Outreach to ensure all external-facing CJC’s representatives are using the same language, especially to:
  • Prepare grant proposals, response to RFPs, RFQs, Letter of Interests, etc.

Potential collaboration partners on the CJC leadership team: — Marketing — Projects — Finance/Fundraising — Outreach/Partnerships

The Pitch:

Got fundraising experience you’d like to use to build something big at the intersection of tech and civic engagement from the ground up? Code for JC, a Code for America brigade, is building and formalizing its leadership infrastructure to create greater impact for Jersey City residents and the City of Jersey City by recruiting volunteer leaders who are looking for hands-on experience seizing the energy and goodwill, and financial capital in our community and turning it into capacity for our organization to serve the community and our City in bigger, better, and bolder ways.

As the Development Director, you’re a leader with a toolkit of assets at your fingertips and the courage and knowledge to use them well. You’ll have the opportunity to build your own team of volunteers to support the strategy you develop in setting funding goals, go after grants from various private, corporate, and community institutions and foundations, cultivate and steward major donors, start an annual giving program, and create and execute a fundraising event or two. Supported by and in partnership with five or more fellow volunteer leaders and the Brigade Captains, you’ll have the chance to shape the our organization’s future in a unique way. You’ve got some fundraising experience, know how to can manage projects and people, are comfortable with uncertainty, have an appetite for risk, and see the bigger picture.


Finance/ Fundraising Lead

Volunteer position

Manage the financial health of the organization. — Manage cash accounts and disbursements — Administer Code for JC’s budget — Help project and core leaders budget for projects and activities — Prepare and file taxes in support of our not-for-profit status — Prepare financial statements in support of fundraising and partnerships

Potential collaboration partners on the Code for JC leadership team: — Outreach/Partnerships — Development — Events — Marketing

The Pitch:

Are you a great manager of business finances and love to help people who value your work? Would you like to support an innovative Jersey City organization with your business skills? Code for JC is growing from an all volunteer organization with zero cash flow just two years ago into an innovation hub with increasing grant support and a plan to launch into a fully fledged non-profit organization with staff in the near future. We operate as a lightweight org with a team of volunteer leaders and while we build new tech, engage communities, create partnerships and grow, we want to be sure we manage our precious resources responsibly.

We need a talented volunteer finance director to help us setting up our cloud-based operations, managing fund intake and cash flow management as we grow into a stable, well managed but agile organization. If you’re looking for a meaningful way to contribute to Jersey City’s community, we’re looking for you. If you love innovation and open government, then you’re a great fit. We’re looking for someone who is flexible in their approach but firm in their understanding and practices. Join our volunteer team and help us create something truly unique in Jersey City!


Marketing Lead

Volunteer position

Actively manage the programs that help Chilltown residents get value from our products.

  • Form and lead Code for JC’s communications and growth teams
  • Communications and public relations across all media channels, our primary media contact
  • Develop Code for JC’s external identity (messaging, branding, language so that there is cohesive, quality and consistent product and practices)
  • Develop and lead promotional efforts and strategy including event structure, collateral materials
  • Work with product teams to define marketing, community, and engagement strategies

Potential collaboration partners on the Code for JC leadership team: — Outreach/Partnerships — Development — Projects
— Events — Finance/Fundraising — Volunteer — Technology

The Pitch:

Got public relations and marketing experience you’d like to use to build something big at the intersection of tech and civic engagement from the ground up? We need you to be our chief storytelling officer, spokesperson, message strategist, media trainer, and advocate. Code for JC, a Code for America brigade, where Jersey Citians volunteer to build software and host events that promote civic engagement, stimulate civic innovation, use open data, and encourage transparency in local politics and government. We’re recruiting volunteer leaders looking for hands-on experience seizing our community’s energy, goodwill, and relationship capital and turning it into capacity for our organization to serve Jersey City.

As the Marketing Director, you’re a leader with a toolkit of assets at your fingertips with the courage and knowledge to use them well. We’ll help you recruit your own team of volunteers to support your strategies. With your team and the support of the rest of Code for JC, you’ll build Code for JC’s online presence, represent us for traditional media interviews, plan project launches, bring growth hacking ideas and community engagement to our product plans, craft news releases and talking points, design collateral for our events and projects, and cultivate our digital brand. Supported by and in partnership with Code for JC’s leadership team, you’ll have the chance to shape the organization’s future.

Apply if you’ve got some public relations/communications/marketing experience, can manage projects and people, don’t mind risk, see both brick mountains and trees, and are hungry to make Jersey City a better place to live, work, and learn.


Communications Lead

Volunteer position

At Code for JC, we do a lot of cool stuff. The doing part is easy and fun. The telling part though isn’t so obvious. The Communications Lead has to understand what we do and artfully tell the story our community. This means strategizing marketing/public relations, documenting member projects and efforts, soliciting and interacting with press, and establishing a metrics structure. For this position, the right match is someone strongly interested in crafting narratives, have a sense for interactive marketing practices, and confidently represents Code for JC.

Points of ownership include (but are not limited to):

  • Develop and maintain contacts with press and media in collaboration with Marketing Director. [be the press spokesperson for Code for JC]
  • Writing and posting weekly blog with hack night updates and feature pieces
  • Writing and distributing monthly newsletter
  • Maintaining social media presence and quantify traffic announce weekly meetups and post reminders tweeting during events highlight member projects on appropriate channels
  • Work on event promotions (hackathons, conferences, etc.) cross-promote partner organizations and events
  • Creating metrics schema for data analysis

Potential collaboration partners on the Code for JC leadership team: — Outreach/Partnerships — Projects — Marketing — Projects — Technology — Events


Outreach/Partnerships Lead

Volunteer position

Build and cultivate strategic relationships with outside groups that further the Code for JC mission.

  • Identify and engage with prospective partners in the community and in government
  • Determine prospective partner projects and negotiate
  • Maintain relationships with community groups, partners and prospective partners

Potential collaboration partners on the Code for JC leadership team: — Marketing — Development — Volunteer — Projects — Events

The Pitch:

Do you like building coalitions across the community to build something new at the intersection of tech and civic engagement from the ground up? Love engaging people? Code for JC, a Code for America brigade, is building and formalizing its leadership infrastructure to have greater impact for Jersey City residents and the City of Jersey City. We are recruiting volunteer leaders who are looking for hands-on experience seizing to seize combine the energy and goodwill and financial capital in our community and transform that into a capacity for our organization to serve the community and our City in bigger, better, and bolder ways.

As the Outreach/Partnerships Director, you’ll be an inter-group people connector with empathy, insight, passion, and courage. You’ll have the opportunity to build your own team of volunteers to support the strategy you develop and develop and strategy to partner with other community organizations and help to manage our partner relationships. Supported by and in partnership with five or more fellow volunteer leaders and the Brigade Captains, you’ll have the chance to shape be shaping the organization’s future in a unique way. Apply if you have a zeal for listening, making connections, and know how to manage projects and people.


Volunteer Lead

Volunteer position

Make the Code for JC experience worthwhile while making the best use of volunteers. — Form and lead the Volunteer team — Help volunteers find meaningful ways to make a difference — Manage the volunteer lifecycle from recruitment to departure — Define and manage the project staffing process — Define and achieve diversity goals — Understand and catalog volunteer skills and wants — Recruit volunteers — Retain volunteers — Increase volunteer engagement — Identify interests of volunteers — Identify and catalog project needs (for potential volunteer placement) — Create activities/plans for volunteers at different levels of engagement — Assure projects are effectively staffed — Develop the capabilities of our volunteers, project teams, and core teams through education and experience — Advocate for the volunteer experience by proposing ideas — Help volunteers understand Code for JC’s possibilities and ideal volunteer experiences (leading or launching a project).

Potential collaboration partners on the Code for JC leadership team: — Projects — Technology — Outreach/Partnerships

The Pitch:

Do you love engaging people who show up to make a difference?
Do you enjoy helping people discover new interests?
We work in teams, on projects, building software and launching apps. You’ll build a team of your own to manage the volunteer lifecycle, including recruiting prospective volunteers, onboarding, host our weekly Hack Nights, and coordinate with project leads and our core leadership team. Your team will help volunteers find ways to be immediately useful, join or start teams, meet their personal goals, and grow as Code for JC.


Events Lead

Volunteer position

Between weekly hack nights, larger thematic hackathons, collaborative programming, and conferences, we have a lot of events (often at the same time). For a seamless experience, we need an incredibly well-organized individual to work on the logistics and planning aspects. The Events Lead will primarily focus on coordinating the details of Code for JC’s events including catering, location, materials and setup, participant experience, etc. This role in particular requires an outgoing, personable individual who can meet deadlines and handle time pressure well.

Points of ownership include (but are not limited to):

  • Arranging details of weekly hack night — confirm catering order based on number of RSVPs — secure space and coordinate with sponsor — set up space with refreshments and suitable for hack night
  • Assisting with logistics of hackathon events and oversee schedule — secure space for community needs assessment + full hackathon event — communicate with sponsors regarding food/beverages — set up space with refreshments, working materials, promo materials
  • Helping schedule timing of events with least amount of conflict
    maintain awareness of other events happening throughout city

Potential collaboration partners on the Code for JC leadership team: — Marketing — Communications — Volunteer — Projects — Fundraising — Outreach/Partnerships


Email us at Code for JC Leadership Team (organize@codeforjc.org).

Please join us on our Google Group, Meetup Group, Facebook Group,Github Forum and Twitter Page to chat with our members.



Code For JC

We are a nonpartisan, #CivicTech, volunteer community group that collaborates with local government + community partners. @CodeForAmerica's Official #JerseyCity