C# Encapsulation

3 min readDec 21, 2022



Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP). It refers to the bundling of data and related operations into a single unit, or object. In C#, encapsulation is achieved through the use of classes and access modifiers such as public, private, and protected.

Here is an example of encapsulation in C#:

public class BankAccount
private decimal balance;

public BankAccount(decimal initialBalance)
balance = initialBalance;

public decimal GetBalance()
return balance;

public void Deposit(decimal amount)
balance += amount;

public void Withdraw(decimal amount)
balance -= amount;

In this example, the BankAccount class encapsulates data (the balance field) and related operations (the Deposit and Withdraw methods). The balance field is marked as private, meaning it can only be accessed within the BankAccount class. This ensures that the balance can only be modified through the Deposit and Withdraw methods, which can enforce any necessary business logic or validation.

The GetBalance method, on the other hand, is marked as public, meaning it can be called from outside the BankAccount class. This allows other code to retrieve the balance without being able to modify it directly.

Advantages of Encapsulation in C#:

  1. Improved code organization: Encapsulation helps to organize code into logical units (objects) that represent real-world entities or concepts. This makes it easier to understand and work with the code, as you can focus on the interface and behavior of each object rather than its internal implementation details.
  2. Enhanced code reuse: Encapsulation enables code reuse by allowing objects to be composed and combined in different ways. This can help to reduce duplication and improve the maintainability of the codebase.
  3. Increased flexibility: Encapsulation allows you to change the internal implementation of an object without affecting the rest of the program. This makes it easier to make changes and improvements to the code without breaking existing functionality.
  4. Better data protection: Encapsulation helps to protect data by hiding it from the outside world and controlling access to it through well-defined interfaces. This can help to prevent errors and ensure that data is always accessed and modified in a controlled and predictable way.
  5. Improved code readability: Encapsulation can make code more readable by enforcing a clear separation of concerns and reducing the complexity of the codebase. This can make it easier to understand and work with the code, especially in larger or more complex projects.

There are several ways to implement encapsulation in C#:

Using properties: Properties are a special type of class member that provide a way to read and write the value of a private field. They allow you to control access to the field while still providing a simple and convenient way to access its value.

public class BankAccount
private decimal balance;

public decimal Balance
get { return balance; }
set { balance = value; }

// Can access balance through the Balance property
BankAccount account = new BankAccount();
account.Balance = 100;

Using methods: You can implement encapsulation by using methods to access and modify the values of private fields. This allows you to control access to the fields and enforce any necessary business logic or validation.

public class BankAccount
private decimal balance;

public decimal GetBalance()
return balance;

public void SetBalance(decimal value)
balance = value;

// Can access balance through the GetBalance and SetBalance methods
BankAccount account = new BankAccount();

Encapsulation is an important technique for improving the design and maintainability of code by hiding complexity and enforcing a clear separation of concerns. It can also help to prevent errors by ensuring that data is always accessed and modified in a controlled and predictable way.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

