Files In C Language

Salik Seraj Naik
1 min readMay 13, 2024

Here’s a simplified explanation of files in C

Think of files as digital filing cabinets in C!

They store information on your computer’s hard drive, even after you close your program.

This lets you save things like:

User data (think login details or preferences)

Program settings

Results from calculations

To work with files in C, you need a special key:

This key is called a “file pointer.” It helps your program find the right cabinet and drawer.

There are three main things you can do with files:

Put stuff in (writing):

Imagine writing notes (data) onto sheets of paper (file) in the cabinet.

Take stuff out (reading):

Just like retrieving those notes to use the information later.

Close the cabinet (closing):

This is important to save your work and free up space for other things.

By using files, your C programs can:

Remember things even when you turn them off.

Share information with other programs.


Choose the right key (mode) for what you want to do (read, write, etc.).

Always close the cabinet when you’re done!

