Online compiler and how to import Github gists on

2 min readSep 29, 2016


This month we have released a few new features and fixed some issues. The details in the changelog can be found here. In this article, we want to present the most important updates on Codepad.

Online Compiler

Now you can run your code directly on Codepad. Access the Online Compiler and run your program using different languages such as PHP, Python, Perl, C, C++, Java, Ruby and more.

Online Compiler

If you want more languages just send us an email!

Import Github Gists to Codepad

After a few requests, we decided to offer the possibility to import Gists to Codepad with a single click.

Import Github Gists

The new option is already available in your account!


We have improved search. Now the search page renders more accurately and contains relevant results divided into categories.

Search Result

In this example you see 9 Playgrounds and 124 Snippets realted to “login forms” keyword.


We have added a few popular themes to the code editor. You can edit the code using a dark or light theme.


I hope the updates will help you use Codepad. If you have more suggestions, let us know!




Developers community who like to share code snippets and get/give feedback.