5+ HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

3 min readOct 12, 2022


Hello, the guy’s welcome to Code With Random, Today we’ll see beginner-level Html CSS Projects With Source Code so you can easily understand & learn new frontend concepts from these projects’ source code.

5+ HTML CSS project With Source Code

in this blog post, we give you HTML Html Css Projects With Source Code so you can direct access code and make your project.

Html And Css Projects With Source Code List

*Name of project *

  1. Survey form
  2. Parallax website
  3. User profile card
  4. Dynamic Js Quiz
  5. Landing page
  6. Instagram home clone

1.Survey form
Basically, the survey form is all about HTML input. In this project, you learn about Html input like input fields, input validation without JavaScript, checkbox, radio button, file upload, date pick-up input, text-area field, and many more.

Source Code Link

Every website needs a form to connect its user to the web owner so everyone must know that to create a form. this is the best Html Css Project for new learners.

2.Parallax website

he image in the background is fixed but the image content is Scrollable. The parallax effect adds depth to your website which is eye-catching and attracts users’ attention more easily than a normal webpage.In this project, you learn many things including background images property and scroll property. this is Html Css Project that makes the website 3d scroll.

Source Code Link

3.User profile card

When we visit any website we see a card on every website but it may be an invitation card, or information card inbox with some short detail.so in this project, you’ll learn about how to create a simple type of card and also make it better with your CSS skills. this is Html Css Project that you can use in your portfolio.

Source Code Link

4.Dynamic Js Quiz

Basically, it’s a JavaScript project but you can create this design using only HTML & CSS without any functionality. If you want to add a quiz function then your project rating goes. In this project, you learn about the radio buttons also how to add content using JavaScript.

Source Code Link

5.Landing page
A landing page is a page on which a user lands on after clicking a specifically dedicated hyperlink. Landing page is a standalone page that is completely different from the homepage or any other page of the website.
it serves only one specific purpose for which it is created it could be anything from promoting a product or selling as well to proposing a service to your visitor. we’ve included a landing page link from a Codepen below that you can check out.

Source Code Link

6.Instagram home clone

In this project you can easily see the Instagram home page clone it is not responsive but it is one of the best projects for anyone who knows HTML/CSS.This is an advanced level project for HTML/CSS devs because in this project you learn lots of things flexbox, grid, positioning, hover effect, 3d effect, section dividing and so much more, and going a step further you can even add backend support also convert it into a full-stack project from a simple front-end Project. A full-stack Clone website is a must-have on your portfolio.

Source Code Link

we share the best html and css projects with source code, so don’t forget to visit our website next time for html and css projects, Thank You!

Everyone’s journey starts as Beginner so if you have any type of confusion drop a comment we are here to reply & provide the best information regarding your comment. Thank you for reading!

Written by — codewithrandoom/Anki

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