Precise and Dynamic: Why id’s matter in HTML

Target specific elements on your web page using HTML id’s. Essential for SEO rankings that bring in more customers.

Coding Cossack
3 min readFeb 9, 2023
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HTML id’s are a powerful tool for web designers and developers, they allow you to target specific elements on a page and apply styles or manipulate them using JavaScript. HTML id’s concepts are an essential aspect of web design and development. They are used to create an id that can be used to target specific elements on a page. In this blog post, we will explore different concepts of HTML id’s and how to use them effectively.

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First, let’s talk about the basics of HTML id’s. To create an id, you can use the id attribute on any HTML element. For example, to create an id called “header”, you can add the id attribute to a header element like this:

Screen capture of HTML code in a text editor
HTML: id Attribute

You can then use CSS to style the specific element with the id “header”.

Screen capture of CSS code in a text editor
CSS Selector for HTML id Attribute

In this example, the element with the id “header” has a blue background color.

Another important concept of HTML id’s is that an id can only be used once per page. This means that you can not use the same id for multiple elements on a page, and it should be used for only one element.

It’s also important to use id’s in a logical and consistent manner. This means that you should use them to target specific elements in a clear and structured way. Also, it’s important to use descriptive and meaningful id names, that indicate the purpose of the id.

Another important concept of HTML id’s is the ability to use id’s to target specific elements using CSS or JavaScript. This can be useful when you want to apply styles or manipulate specific elements on a page without affecting other elements. For example, you can target a specific button on a page and change its color when clicked.

Screen capture of HTML code in a text editor
HTML: Submit Button id
Screen capture of CSS code in a text editor
CSS Selector for HTML “submit button” Attribute
Screen capture of JavaScript code in a text editor
JavaScript using HTML id

In this example, the button element has an id “submit-button”, the CSS applies a green background color and the javascript changes the color to red when the button is clicked.

In conclusion, HTML id’s concepts are an essential aspect of web design and development. They are used to create an id that can be used to target specific elements on a page. By understanding the different concepts of HTML id’s and using them correctly, you can improve the organization and functionality of your web pages, and make your website more visually appealing and user-friendly. With the right combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you’ll create id’s that stand out and leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

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Coding Cossack

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