Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install Git

Joseph Nielsen
3 min readSep 14, 2016


I walk through step by step how to get the Node.JS MEAN.JS scaffolded site working on a Windows 10 machine.

Go to parent article — Build a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day — part 1

If you already have Git installed, go to next article — Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install Python

Install Git with Git Bash

First, let’s install my best friend in the whole wide world, the Git Bash client.

Go to the above web page and then click on Windows.

Install the Windows Git Bash client

Run the Git-2.9.0–64-bit.exe install file once it has been downloaded.

Run the file once it has been downloaded
Click Yes if prompted by Windows User Access Control

Click Yes if prompted by Windows User Access Control

Click Next

Click Next.

Click Next again

Click Next again.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

The default options are acceptable. Click Next again.

Yes you wanted to be an artist as a child, but now is not the time to get creative. Next.

Click Next

The default option of “Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt” is acceptable. Click Next.

You guess right. Next.

The default option of “Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings” is also acceptable. Click Next.


The default option of “Use MinTTY (the default terminal of MSYS2) is also acceptable. Click Next again.

Don’t stop, clicking next. Hold on to that feeling…

The defaults are acceptable, click Next to continue.

When the installation is finished, click Finish and you are done. You can now use bash commands and curl on Windows. And as every developer knows, using console commands makes you better than other people.


Go to parent article — Build a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day — part 1

Go to next article — Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install Python



Joseph Nielsen

I lead the software engineering and DevOps practice for Slalom, New Jersey. I enjoy building things, endurance running and all things DeepRacer.