Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install NPM libraries

Joseph Nielsen
2 min readSep 16, 2016


I walk through step by step how to get the Node.JS MEAN.JS scaffolded site working on a Windows 10 machine. This section is about installing the NPM global libraries needed for our application.

Go to parent article — Build a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day — part 1

Go to previous article —Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install AWS-CLI tools

If you already have the global libraries installed for grunt, bower, aws-cli, yo and generator-meanjs then go to the next article — Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Setup your mean.js website

Install the global npm packages for grunt-cli, bower, aws-cli, yo and generator-meanjs

Open your handy Git Bash window.

In this short section it doesn’t matter which directory we’re in (no cd’s needed)

We’re going to install some global libraries through the Node Package Manager. This means these packages will be available to us from any project we’re working in, sort of like how we can node and npm from any directory on your computer.

There’s not much to it, run each of these statements in the Git Bash window. The “-g” stands for global.

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-meanjs
npm install -g aws-cli

The results of each line will look something like this for each command.

npm install -g yo (it doesn’t matter where the -g goes)
NPM will show you all the libraries installed. An error will say either ENOTSUP (no supported version found) or package not found.

After you’ve run the five installs, we’re now finally ready to lay down some code. :)

Go to parent articleBuild a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day — part 1

Go to previous articlePreparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install AWS-CLI tools

Go to next article — Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Setup your mean.js website



Joseph Nielsen

I lead the software engineering and DevOps practice for Slalom, New Jersey. I enjoy building things, endurance running and all things DeepRacer.