Setting up your MEAN (Node.js) website in AWS ElasticBeanstalk: IAM Configuration

Joseph Nielsen
7 min readSep 21, 2016


I walk through step by step how to get a Node.JS MEAN.JS that uses Grunt and Bower working on Amazon Web Services ElasticBeanstalk. In this section we’ll configure our AWS credentials and ElasticBeanstalk service role.

Go to parent article — Build a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day

Go to previous article —Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: git init

If you’ve already done aws configure and setup your elasticbeanstalk service role, then go to the next article — Setting up your MEAN (Node.js) website in AWS ElasticBeanstalk: Setup your VPC

Create your service role in IAM

Login to your AWS console.

Click on Sign In to the Console

I’m assuming you’ve already created your account

Enter your login information

that’s right, I just tried to get that song stuck in your head

Go to Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Or click on IAM if access from the Services dropdown panel

Click on Roles on the left

The blurred out portion is your custom login url for any users you create with a password

Click on Create New Role

Create New Role. Kaiser.

I gave it a role name of aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role. Click Next Step.

I named my new role aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role

I click Select next to AWS Elastic Beanstalk and that takes me to the next step.

Out the door that gives me these two policies.

Not sure why it wouldn’t let me add policies at this step

I can’t add any policies so I hit Next Step.

Click Create Role

Not much I can do here so I will hit Create Role.

Now that I’ve got my role created, I’m going to click on aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role and then add the policies I wanted to earlier.

Click on your new role to go back in and add policies

Click on Attach Policy.

Click attach policy on the Permissions tab

I’ll search through and select all of these policies.

Based on adding everything and seeing which policies were actually used, I’m also going to search and check the checkbox next to each of these five canned policies.

Click next to the five policies I listed above. You can search and click each one without un-selecting others.

When I’m done it will look like this with my attached policies.

These are my attached policies

Hooray! We have our service role that ElasticBeanstalk will use for auto scaling and creating new environments.

Configure your user that you’ll use with the AWS-CLI tools

Now I’m going to go to users and make sure my account has access to perform these functions as well.

For the sake of demonstration, I’m going to create a new account just for ElasticBeanstalk. This account will not need a password, it is only being created for using the aws-cli and awsebcli tools.

Click Create New User

Click Create New Users

I’m calling my new user ebnodetest

In the first textbox I’ll enter ebnodetest

Click Create

Make sure you download the credentials or save them to a safe spot. You will only see the secret once.

Then click Download Credentials

When I open up the downloaded file I see this information that I’ll need to save permanently. The secret key cannot be recovered once it is lost.

My downloaded CSV shows the access key and secret. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

I click Close back on the internet browser window from earlier. That takes me back to Users.

Click on your new user. Ebnodetest is what I am using.

Click on the user you just created. That’s my twitter name and my buddy’s twitter name if you’re interested.

Click on Permissions tab.

click on Permissions tab

Click on Attach Policy.

I’m going to add the same policies from earlier that I used for the role.


I click Attach Policies and now I’ve got phenomenal cosmic power in an itty-bitty living space.

Great, you should now have enough permissions to create an ElasticBeanstalk app from command line

One more thing to do on the web before we bring up the Bash.

Go to Services drop-down at the top and select EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computer)

Click on EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)

Click on Key Pairs

Click on Create Key Pair

Click on Create Key Pair

Before you name it, remember that this keypair is like creating a key for a car. Except if you lose this key you will never be able to get inside the car again. So don’t lose this key and name it appropriately. It’s your choice whether you want to reuse one keypair over and over again or if you want to mix it up and have different keypairs for each type of virtual machine you create in the future.

So I will call my keypair… imwithslalom

give your key a name that makes sense for all the machines it could have access to

I love working at Slalom and how else would I mention them? ;)

You see at the bottom of the window or wherever your downloads show up? There’s the file that you should not lose. Back it up to a USB disk, and put that USB disk in a lockbox that you will then put under your car where only you and Al Gore will know where it is.

Now I can create new EC2 machine instances that are secured by my key pair

A side note: if you read other walkthroughs, it’ll tell you that you need to use some tool to export the keypair to another format in order to use with PuttySSH in Windows. However, and this is one of the reasons why I like Git Bash, with Git Bash we do not need to do that. If you want to SSH into a machine, you can do so with Git Bash using this pattern.

ssh -i imwithslalom.pem

^ that’s for ElasticBeanstalk and Linux based Amazon Machine Images

ssh -i imwithslalom.pem

^ that’s for any Ubuntu machine image you use.

We’ll be using both of these methods of SSH, so I’m not nerding out on SSH for no reason.

Set your default account credentials in Git Bash

So now that we’ve got our keypair created, it’s time to open up our handy dandy notebook- Git Bash.

If you still have it open, that’s great. If not go back to your projects directory to thedude directory.

cd /c/projects/awesomewebsite/thedude

Or whatever you named your website.

Then type in this command

aws configure

Remember that CSV file from earlier that had our access key and access secret key? That’s what we need now.

Copy out your access key id

I’m going to copy these into Git Bash.

Paste the access key into your git bash window

Hopefully you have gotten prompted for your Access Key and Secret Key, but sometimes I don’t get prompted, especially if I’ve already run aws configure previously.

After I paste in the Access Key Id, I press enter.

access key is the first question

Now I copy and paste in the Secret Access Key from the excel sheet.

Second question is the secret key

After I hit enter, the next prompt will be for my region.

My preferred region is us-east-1, so that’s what I use.

Third question is preferred region

The next question I always hit enter to and use the default value.

And now I see the prompts- after already entering the answers. :)

Great, I have setup access to do stuff on elasticbeanstalk

Guess what, it’s that time again. Do a little Snoopy dance and move on to the next section.

Go to parent articleBuild a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day

Go to previous article — Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: git init

Go to next article — Setting up your MEAN (Node.js) website in AWS ElasticBeanstalk: Setup your VPC



Joseph Nielsen

I lead the software engineering and DevOps practice for Slalom, New Jersey. I enjoy building things, endurance running and all things DeepRacer.