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3 Things They Aren’t Teaching You At School!

Part 3!

2 min readJun 20, 2022


Read part 1 here.
Read part 2 here

1. Critical Thinking!

Thinking, being able to think on your own, and communicating your opinion whether that is through paper( writing) or verbally( speaking) is VERY important. I would say it’s at least in the top 3 skills you need in life( if we were to make a list)!

If you can think you are absolutely dangerous ( quote by: Jordan Peterson). This is why I say we need to teach children how to think in school. Before they learn anything, you must tell them why they are doing that.

We also NEED a class where you only solve problems, where you do your own research( on a topic of choice), where you debate with people, etc.

2. Long-Term Planning!

One problem I’ve seen a lot when I entered adulthood and started self-improvement, is the lack of discipline and long-term planning. A lot of people( and I mean a LOT) just spend their money and life savings on things they don’t care deeply about. And they do this so that they impress people they don’t even know.

A lot of people also partake in short-term pleasures which is a movie I’ve seen since elementary school, and it never works out!

Please for the love of what’s Holy in this world, have a long-term goal, and plan. Please think and plan for the future. You won’t regret it.

3. How To Talk To People!

I’ve written a blog about this before( you can read it here). What I’m trying to say here is that a lot of people don’t know how to communicate their feelings/needs. If they do they are most likely wrongly interpreted.

Communication is( in my opinion) the most important skill in life. If you master it, you can get anything you want. A lot of opportunities are opened. That’s why we MUST teach it in schools.

