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I Have 7 Questions For You To Answer In The Comments!

Let’s Have Some Fun : )

2 min readApr 20, 2022


Since I don’t have any ideas for a blog, I thought I’d ask you all 7 question that I want you to answer in the comments. This isn’t for any study( or anything of that nature) I just thought I’d would be fun!

So, without further ado here’s the questions:

  1. If You Could Have Any Superpower In The World What Would It Be? And why? ( For me the ability to manipulate time i.e. stop time, fast forward or slow time, time travel etc.)
  2. What Is The Most Important Skill One Could Have? Why? ( For me the ability to be persistent on something or the ability to constantly improve yourself)
  3. What Was The Last Book You Read? ( 12 Rules For Life)
  4. What’s The Best Way To Die? ( For me it’s when the doctor tells you you only have x amount to live, because you’ll die having fun)
  5. Who Is Your Role Model? ( Idol, but I don’t like that word) ( For me Elon Musk)
  6. What’s Your Perfect Holiday? ( For me anything that has to do with skying)
  7. What’s One Thing You’d Change About Yourself? ( My Height : ) I want to be 6 feet tall )

