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The 28 Laws Of Coding!

Part 1!

3 min readJun 30, 2022


Before we go through anything, I would really appreciate it if you would follow me on Instagram. I post about tech there as well. However, I haven’t posted there in a while so the numbers have really gone down. But that’s enough of that.

Here are the 28 Laws Of Coding, these are a couple of “rules” you should be following : )

  1. Ask Questions- Do NOT Be Afraid To Ask Questions. If there’s one thing I know for certain is that you can’t know everything. Coding is a pretty large subject, it’s only natural you don’t know more than you know. Asking questions is OK,
  2. Build, Build and Build Projects- The ONLY way you can get better at coding is by coding. Sit down and build something. At first, you won’t know anything, and after time you get better. You might get 1000 bugs, but that’s ok.
  3. Copying Code Is Ok- Let me clarify. Copying snippets of code is ok. This can be something from StackOverflow, GitHub, or any other website. However, do NOT copy whole projects. You won’t get better if you do that!
  4. Don’t Just Watch YouTube Videos- This is related to the previous law, watching YT videos can be beneficial to you, as you gain knowledge. However, there is a limit. If you find yourself that you are unable to code without following a tutorial, you have a problem. Watch YT videos so you get knowledge, not so you build projects.
  5. Teach Others- Teaching is definitely one of the best teachers. By teaching others you know where you don’t really have knowledge( so you get better at that topic), but you also perfect your knowledge
  6. Follow Tech Forums- It’s important that you start following tech news, and that you’re getting into tech communities. This can really be a positive for you in the long term!
  7. Spread Positivity- When you’re on these forums, please for the love of what’s holy in this world, spread positivity, do NOT be a bully. Remember we all start somewhere. Someone might be a noob. You were at one point as well.
  8. Learn To Accept Bugs- I see a ton of programmers get frustrated when they get a bug. I was once like this too. But let me tell you, bugs are a part of programming, and you can’t avoid them. They will happen. Instead of getting mad, try to accept them. I’ve found this really helps even with speeding up the coding process. Remember, it’s ok if you spent 6 hours for a “;”.
  9. Don’t Code For 6 Hours A Day- I’ve talked about this before here. But to summarize the blog, it’s important you know, that by coding for 6 hours a day you will only burn out. You won’t get better faster, trust me. Instead, find a happy medium. For most, it’s 2–3 hours a day.
  10. Follow Me!- It’s important you follow me on all social media! Medium, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. I haven’t started posting on TikTok and YT yet but I will soon!

