There ain’t no such thing as a free service, and why I’m giving up Facebook in 2019.

Cody Engel
7 min readDec 22, 2018

I have been on Facebook since Thursday, September 28th, 2006 at 8:36 PM CDT, I know this because Facebook has kept track of that for all of these years. In the 12 years I have been on the platform I have reacted to 8,283 posts, removed 474 friends, responded to 668 events (most of which are Maybe), and have imported 664 contacts from my phone into the network. I knew Facebook kept track of things, and I’m honestly not surprised by how much information they keep track of. In total my information dump I received from Facebook was 2.26gb which also included all of my photos and videos in medium quality (of which accounted for 1.78gb). I’m also not against a company collecting information in this manner so long as they aren’t reckless with it.

Searching for new’s articles on Google with the query facebook privacy yields 667 million results in 0.33 seconds. It has been reported that Facebook was using information as a bartering tool with the likes of Netflix, Spotify, and others. The FTC is looking into Facebook’s privacy concerns yet again. Amid all of this pressure the share prices of the company have hit a 21 month low with a price-target cut as well. To put it bluntly, Facebook is not a company I trust with my information. With that said though, what information does Facebook have about me?

