Phore, standing out through technology & persistence.

Mr. Backwards
4 min readJun 18, 2018


With over 1600 projects listed on CoinMarketCap it’s a constant fight for projects to stand out and make future investors aware of their potential.

To me Phore Blockchain is one of the top players when it comes to standing out; a high aiming, community owned project with comprehensive & reachable goals.

Phore Blockchain’s introduction movie.

The reason I got involved with Phore is the fact that its team is really pushing forward with their tech development, and therefor this project truly thanks their success to efforts instead of hype.

Price development is not important, meeting deadlines on their roadmap is.

The fact that Phore’s github activity is very high, tells me that the dev-team is extremely dedicated to achieve their milestones. Especially when you take in consideration that there was no premine or ICO involved.


Phore implemented a stable masternode network which currently locks in almost half of the current supply. The ROI-structure has been set-up in a sustainable way so it doesn’t cause the problem of inflation when the network grows.

For illustration, around September 2019 the total supply of Phore will be approx. 15,8 million compared to the ~13,5 million it has today.

This is very important to keep the price stable since one of the main utilities of $PHR is to use it as the base-currency on their decentralized marketplace.

Masternode stats as per 18–06–2018

Not your average masternode.

Phore is the first masternode project which will implemented SegWit, this really gives their blockchain a solid base when the adoption rate starts to grow.

The implementation of SegWit also unlocks a brand new utility for their masternodes, that hasn’t been done before within masternodes: smart contracts. Upon release there will be much more information about how Synapse will change the traditional usecase of masternodes.

Synapse, enabling smart contracts utilizing masternodes.

Listening to their community.

Besides rewarding the masternode holders with a percentage of the blockrewards, it also gives them a voice in future developments by an integrated voting system.

The Phore project isn’t just an one trick pony but facilitates multiple use cases and utilizations of their blockchain.

The Phore ecosystem.

Phore marketplace

As mentioned Phore’s main usecase is their decentralized marketplace. The Phore currency $PHR offers anonymized transactions using zerocoin technology.

It must be said, anonymous transactions in combination with marketplaces have a bad reputation when you think of the Silkroad’s of this world and all the illegal activities that comes with them.

Although the marketplace is totally decentralized and peer-to-peer, the Phore team have taken actions to counteract illegal activities taking place by filtering their search engine so it doesn’t show any illicit listings.

Phore marketplace.

One of the main benefits that their marketplace offers to vendors and customers:

  • no platform fees
  • no monthly fees
  • no listing fees
  • no bank / CC required
  • live chat with customers
  • customizable stores
  • peer-to-peer
  • fair arbitration

Mainstream recognition & adoption

The coming months Phore’s marketing team will be pushing to release content that appeals to the critical mass and explains their usecase in clear wording.

I’ve spoken to Phore’s Co-CEO and spokesman Anthony Alleyne on multiple occasions and I must say, he has tons of charisma and is gifted with some good communicative skills which will be of use to connect with a broader audience.

Content being created for television.

If you’re looking for a sustainable masternode project that has a real life usecase, Phore might be the one for you.

The project team is highly dedicated and as an investor you can be confident about their drive to continuously do the upmost to meet their deadlines in regards to development & marketing.

As a strategic advisor of Phore I am sharing content and news in regards of their development + marketing progress.

Besides that I’m also actively advising the core team on their present and future content + attendances.

