Q&A — Phore Blockchain co-chairs the Global Assets & Wealth Forum in Singapore.

Mr. Backwards
4 min readSep 12, 2018


Lionel Lee Chairman of Platinum Circle and Anthony Allenye.

Following up on my previous Q&A with Anthony Alleyne, the co-founder of Phore; I’m sharing another one with you today zooming in on the relationship between Platinum Circle and Phore Blockchain.

Recently Anthony was invited on behalf of Phore to co-chair the Global Assets and Wealth Forum.

Anthony, it’s always a pleasure to speak to you. Would you give us a quick reconstruction on how the partnership between Platinum Circle and Phore Blockchain came together?

We were selected by Platinum Circle, who was launching a new global program, namely, the Global Assets and Wealth (GAW) Initiative as a fast-growing company in the blockchain space from the UK.

Platinum Circle has become aware of our expertise in the blockchain sector and invited us to contribute to the Digital Assets subject matter in the GAW Initiative as well as the Forum in Singapore. Access to the Platinum Circle Community is available only to corporations with annual revenues above USD100 million, governments and intergovernmental organizations. This was something we were very interested in doing after we had researched the type of individuals and entities that were part of its global initiative and Forum, and the advantage continued membership would bring representing the select few fast-growing companies from around the world.

What was the GAW Forum held in Singapore about and in what way was Phore Blockchain represented by you?

The GAW Forum represented the chance, over two days to meet with venture capitalists, wealthy individuals, corporate executives, government and intergovernmental bodies, as well as other bodies connected with the generation of financial and social wealth.

I represented Phore Blockchain as a company that was in the process of developing smart contracts with enhanced functionality and speed, which allowed them to be utilized within the enterprise sector.

During the Digital Assets session, which I co-chaired, blockchain was debated as to whether it was an investable asset now or could be in the near future.

During the discussion on stage, what was the most interesting question you answered?

The question came from a venture capitalist that wanted to know why he keeps hearing about blockchain but has not seen any practical use in the real world. He basically wanted to know what the big deal was all about.

My answer to him was that blockchain hype is everywhere right now, and I understood his skepticism.

I advised him to look for projects, which are solving a specific need utilizing the blockchain, such as in shipping, where companies tracking shipments could clearly benefit from a blockchain-based system, once their supply chain partners started using it.

Given the fact that Platinum Circle provides access to a lot of industry leaders, do you have any examples of interesting meetings you had during the forum?

Well, the GAW Forum in Singapore was a closed-door meeting of the Platinum Circle Community, in order to facilitate more relaxed discussion amongst its members, so I’ll be more general than I usually am, in answering questions.

One meeting I had was with an individual who worked in government who asked whether we would be interested in coming to their country and working with them to develop a clearer understanding of blockchain.

A second meeting I had was with a hardware manufacturer who had built a product which securely stored private keys. The invention is ground-breaking and could really take off with traditional financial institutions looking for a higher level of security and compliance when entering this space.

In both cases, I am discussing with them how we can work together in the future.

It’s good to see that besides tremendous development efforts, Phore is continuously pushing forward to gain name recognition within the traditional business community.

Being a part of Platinum Circle benefits Phore Blockchain in multiple ways, but what is the main objective down the road?

There are many benefits attached to continued membership of Platinum Circle and in particular the GAW Initiative.

New members join on a monthly basis and the interaction continues way after the Forum is over. The breadth and influence of the people you come into contact with are astonishing, and you would not be able to reach them using other means.

As part of the GAW Forum, you automatically have an elevated status, while others who are not part of the select group, don’t. The possibilities really are endless when it comes to where this could take Phore Blockchain.

Thank you for your time Anthony 👍


As mentioned before, I am a big fan of Phore due to the fact the managing team is continuously looking for ways to gain more exposure within the real world and inherently increasing the chance of potential partnerships.

Due to the broad nature of Phore Blockhain, in terms of functionality and ways of implementing it, I’m particularly happy to see Anthony is making contact with top-level CEO’s, but foremost with government officials who are looking for ways to efficiently implement blockchain technology.

The future is now.

As a strategic advisor of Phore, I am sharing content and news in regards to their development and marketing progress.

In addition, I’m also actively advising the core team on their present and future content and event attendances.

