Send, receieve, store Bitcoin (BTC) by SMS

SMS: The next phase of Bitcoin adoption

2 min readDec 1, 2014

Coinapult is excited to announce the re-launch of our SMS Bitcoin service. Coinapult was first to market with Bitcoin by SMS services in 2012. At that point, the service was only available in the US and Canada, it’s now available worldwide.*

Mobile phone saturation is much more developed than internet access. Of the estimated 7.1 billion people on earth, an estimated 6.9 billion are mobile phone users versus an estimated 2.8 billion internet users.

The delivery of bitcoin services over SMS could well be one of the greatest opportunities we can act on today, to lower the barriers to global trade and establish a new era of economic inclusion, cooperation and empowerment.

The greatest advancements in human prosperity and living standards have typically occurred where markets are open, and entrepreneurial creativity has a peaceful environment to flourish. Bitcoin makes this possible on a global scale.

Our SMS bitcoin service empowers users from around the world to send, receive, lock, and obtain price information with simple text message commands.**

A standard feature phone, with no internet access, can now become a powerful tool to enable users to send Bitcoin to any email, phone or Bitcoin address, and hedge Bitcoin’s notorious price volatility using Coinapult Locks.

We have launched the tools into the wild, the next task is raising awareness about the opportunities that have been created. Please share this post to help us raise awareness, or follow our quick start guide below to create a wallet and see for yourself.

You can be first in line to hear about our service updates by signing up to our newsletter here.

BTC by SMS walkthrough

*Support for this service in the US has been discontinued. We’re working on bringing it back in the future.
**International SMS rates may apply, please consult your local carrier.




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