1 min readOct 22, 2016


So with you on all of this! Except the goats. Goats are one of those things that are pesky to the point of you loving them out of exasperation. I will take pictures of the babies here on the farm. You’ll fall in love.

On aging… hell YES! Best thing ever Sherry. I couldn’t agree more with walkerjojones. I also want to tell people about my gas and I’m sure I will. I think I may even exaggerate about it, for effect, y’know?

The freedom is just something else. Ezinne wrote an article about how getting older sucks because you suddenly realize you’re not the shit anymore. Gosh! I’m only beginning to think I could have ‘being the shit’ potential but better than that I don’t give a shit about being the shit anymore. I can’t begin to think of myself as old, not yet. I still feel like the kid who was smoking up the loquat tree and getting expelled from boarding school. You gather awesomeness as you go. Seriously Sherry, were you this awesome 20 years ago?

On love… it changes, you don’t just love but you realize just how much of an honour it is to do so. Even peeps you have never met, like here on Medium. There’s love here. Big love. Thank YOU, Sherry, for yours and know that you have mine and when you’re sharing gas stories, (yours too walkerjojones), damn I hope I’m still around to hear them! I’ll bring sauerkraut!

Happiest getting awesomer day, Sherry. Bask in the love.




I'm not a marshmallow kind of person. I'm more a hard toffee kinda girl. More intense flavour but not everyone has the teeth for me.