The Worst Album Covers in the World — Part 1

Colin the Crypto Ocelot
6 min readAug 10, 2021

I’d like you to picture a scene. It’s a kids birthday and her parents have booked the entertainment. Can you imagine the look of abject misery on that child’s face as her friends come over expecting The Smurfs only to be spend an afternoon ‘entertained’ by the music of these two bellends? Well I can, and it cheers me up no end!

Welcome to the Worst Album Covers in the World. A series dedicated to some of the worst musical ideas the planet has yet produced.

We’re going to kick things off in the way that most people were anticipating with a middle aged religious nutcase, a horse and a shotgun.

This, this right here, was my inspiration to go digging around in the bin bag of Google. Fucking hell! The only positive I’m taking away from it is that at least they had the good sense not to appear in matching outfits.

Because popping band mates together in the same clothes; why that’s a truly awful idea.



Colin the Crypto Ocelot

Award nominated blogger and freelance writer. Medium Top Writer status in Humor, Music, Comedy, Sport and NFT.